Here's a great opportunity to do so!

of Kusu Island in 2008.
ReefFriends is a volunteer based coral reef survey programme that monitors the status of coral reefs of Singapore through bimonthly surveys. This Blue Water Volunter programme is currently sponsored by the National Parks Board. Results of these surveys are submitted to the National Parks Board, NUS Marine Biology Lab and Reef Check.
The ReefFriends training course will cover:
- What is BWV all about?
- What is the Reef Friends survey about?
- Basic coral reef facts
- Survey techniques
Sign up for the ReefFriends training course at this link
Dates: Theory classes: 11, 16, 18 and 23 Dec 08 (Dates of the practical classes to be decided on the first day of the course)
Time: 7-10pm
Venue: Classroom 4, Botany Centre, Tanglin Core, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Cost: The course will cost S$100. This will only cover admin costs (training materials, room bookings etc). It will not include costs for the practical sessions (there will be a minimum of two practical sessions).