With the many observations over the 5 years, much of the mystery surrounding the characteristic ‘confinement’ of the female Oriental Pied Hornbill during breeding has been revealed.

In 2008, the Intelligent Nest was build to create an artificial nest that is not only safe and suitable for the Oriental Pied Hornbills to nest in, but equipped with the technology to study them closely during this exceptional period of the year – where the female stays sealed inside the nest 24/7 for up to 3 months! Side view of the cameras close up reveals the exact laying of eggs, allowing more accurate data collection.
Come join us for the talk to gain more insights to what else the Intelligent Nest can offer.
About the Project: Initiated in 2004 by Marc Cremades and avid naturalist Prof Ng Soon Chye, the Singapore Hornbill Project studies the nesting ecology of the Oriental Pied Hornbill, such as the growth progression of nestlings, food requirements, and sensitivity to external disturbances. This is the first project in the world to document the breeding ecology of wild hornbills within the nest. The key objective is to enhance the population and distribution of this locally endangered bird in Singapore.
All are welcome.
Light refreshments will be provided.
The talk is free but pre-registration is require. Please RSVP by Friday 30 July 5pm to lim_wei_ling@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 10am-noon
Venue: Function Hall, Botany Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/