I'll be glad to feature your Singapore nature event on this blog.
Just email me, Ria at
hello@wildsingapore.com with these details
(a) Title of event
(b) Date and day of event
(Please double check that these are correct)
(c) Time/duration of event
(d) Venue/meeting point
(e) Is it free? If not, what are the charges?
(Please note: in this blog I prefer to feature not-for-profit efforts that are affordable and relevant to ordinary people and families.)
(f) Your blog/website with more information.
(Please ensure your url goes to the correct location. Please don't make me hunt through your site or google in vain to find the correct url.)
POINT of CONTACT: email or telephone of a
human being (not machine) who can provide more information. This is very important. I often get readers asking for more info about an event. Without a contact number or email to forward to readers, it is a waste of everyone's time. So I regret that I will NOT post any events that do not offer a point of contact.
BRIEF description of event in
one paragraph is ideal)
Please don't make me summarise a two-page write-up or long complicated email about your event. Please don't make me re-type from an image or a protected pdf of your poster (I will usually give up posting your event in this instance). Please help me by giving me a concise, enticing description of your event. You can include a link to a longer description on your web resources.
(i) If you want to,
ONE photo of your event is acceptable.
SMALL please. Nothing exceeding 216pixel wide, 72dpi.
You can include a link to more photos.
DO NOT send these pleaseLarge photos
Large posters
Large maps of locations
Long details and background materials to your event.
These should be hosted on your blog/website. I cannot post them here, but will be glad to add a link to your blog/website.