27 Sep (Sun): Paint Along with Pui San at Sungei Buloh
Conducted by Mr Tham Pui San, a volunteer of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. Pui San is an avid artist who expresses his passion for nature through his art work. Bring along your art materials and enjoy learning different drawing techniques at Sungei Buloh.
More in the art in the wetlands blog.
Limited to 20 persons. Register online.
Time: 8.30-11.30am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Meet at Api Api Lab (Kranji Way entrance)
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/ and http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Limited to 20 persons. Register online.
Time: 8.30-11.30am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Meet at Api Api Lab (Kranji Way entrance)
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/ and http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
27 Sep (Sun): Butterfly Watch at Jurong Eco Garden
Open to the Public
The 5-ha Jurong Eco Garden (JEG) is the green lungs of Clean Tech Park comprising four green areas – a small hill forest, an earth trail through secondary forest, freshwater swamp vegetation and a rocky stream. A butterfly garden was created near the swamp and stream areas more than a year ago and is now thriving with butterfly nectar and host plants. On a good morning, many species can be seen here including Singapore’s National Butterfly the Common Rose, Common Birdwing, Tailed Jay, Blue Pansy, Leopard and Great Eggfly. In the secondary and hill forests, rarer species such as the Banded Swallowtail and Fourline Blue have been spotted.
More details on the NSS website.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Jurong Eco Garden, Butterfly Garden
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
26 Sep (Sat): What's in my water?
What's that swimming in the water? A fish, a worm, an insect or a crocodile!? Join us for an interesting morning walk getting to know the creatures and plants that lives in and around the water edges of Sungei Buloh.
Limited to 20 participants. Register online.
Time: 9.30am-11am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance)
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Time: 9.30am-11am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance)
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
14-20 Sep: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Wild walks
- NSS Kids’ Fun with Birds and Wildlife at Sungei Buloh’s Old and New Wings
- I want to be a Wildlife Biologist!
- Walks for Creepy Crawlies and Other Invertebrates Week at Sungei Buloh
- Talks for Creepy Crawlies and Other Invertebrates Week
Wild walks
- Kampong Tour at Pulau Ubin
- BES Drongos Petai Trail Walk
- Trees of the Fort
- National Orchid Garden guided tour
- Nature Sketching in the Gardens with Pui San
- Mandarin guided tour at Sungei Buloh

20 Sep (Sun): NSS Kids’ Fun with Birds and Wildlife at Sungei Buloh’s Old and New Wings
Open to the Public - Registration Needed
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve’s new 31-ha extension boasts cool facilities and scenic boardwalks, but the spruced-up 171-ha old wing is richer in birds and other wildlife. Join us as we explore key spots in both wings for masses of migratory shorebirds such as the Common Redshank, Pacific Golden Plover and Whimbrel, as well as the possibility of seeing wild animals like the Smooth Otter, Estuarine Crocodile, Malayan Water Monitor, Mangrove Horseshoe Crab, Tree-climbing Crab, Mudskippers and more.
Please register your children (4 to 12 years old) with Gloria Seow at gloria_seow@yahoo.com, stating their names and ages, if they are NSS members or not, and let us have your mobile number.
Time: 9-11am
Venue: Details will be emailed to those who sign up.
Cost: A fee of $5 per child (member) or $10 per child (non-member) will be collected on the spot. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to join in at no charge. Details will be emailed to those who sign up.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
20 Sep (Sun): BES Drongos Petai Trail Walk
Our fun-loving team of volunteers are all geared up for this guiding season! Take the chance to walk with us in the early morning and enjoy some fresh air. Be ready to break a little sweat and fulfill your weekly workout quota with a leisurely hike while learning interesting stories facts about the unique flora and fauna of the CCNR. The 2.5hour walk follows the Petai Trail boardwalk, which hugs the MacRitchie reservoir.
More information and registration online on http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
Time: 8.45am to 12noon
Meeting Place: Mushroom Cafe at the toilet hut near the entrance of Macritchie Reservoir Park.
Website: http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
More information and registration online on http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
Time: 8.45am to 12noon
Meeting Place: Mushroom Cafe at the toilet hut near the entrance of Macritchie Reservoir Park.
Website: http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
19 Sep (Sat): Trees of the Fort
Did you know that a Kapok tree can grow up to 40 metres high? Let our nature-loving guides bring you on a journey to find out more about our heritage trees and other beautiful trees like the towering Kapok, flaky Gelam and magnificent Madras Thorn!
This is part of the ‘Connecting with Nature’ programmes featuring a series of educational activities in our parks where you and your family can learn and appreciate nature.
Things to bring: Water, umbrella and mosquito repellent. Do wear comfortable clothes, preferably long pants and shoes too.
The activity will only commence when there are at least 15pax and we will inform you of the confirmation latest 6 days before the activity date. Maximum group size 30 persons. Register online.
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Venue: Meeting Point, Roundabout, between Fort Canning Art Center and Hotel Fort Canning (map here)
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
This is part of the ‘Connecting with Nature’ programmes featuring a series of educational activities in our parks where you and your family can learn and appreciate nature.
Things to bring: Water, umbrella and mosquito repellent. Do wear comfortable clothes, preferably long pants and shoes too.
The activity will only commence when there are at least 15pax and we will inform you of the confirmation latest 6 days before the activity date. Maximum group size 30 persons. Register online.
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Venue: Meeting Point, Roundabout, between Fort Canning Art Center and Hotel Fort Canning (map here)
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
19 Sep (Sat): National Orchid Garden guided tour
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids in the National Orchid Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens. Over 1000 species and 2,000 hybrids are now found in the Gardens' collection, with about 600 species and hybrids on display. Every year, more vibrant and enduring hybrids are added on
Full map at http://www.sbg.org.sg/map_nog.htm
This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre, Nassim Gate, 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
Full map at http://www.sbg.org.sg/map_nog.htm
This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre, Nassim Gate, 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
19 Sep (Sat): Kampong Tour at Pulau Ubin
Take a walk with us to experience Ubin's wonderful natural and cultural heritage. The walk takes about 2 hour to complete. The tour will start at the Ubin-HSBC Volunteer Hub and take you through the spice trees around Jelutong campsite, Butterfly Hill, Pekan Quarry, Sensory Trail Ponds, Kampong House, Old Bin Kiang School site, Toa Pek Kong Temple and end at the Wayang Stage. You will hear about the use of spices in cooking and the interesting history of the different sites.
Do you know what the Ubin-HSBC Volunteer Hub was in the 1970s? When was the Toa Pek Kong Temple built? If you would like to know, then this is an excellent introduction to the heritage of the island.
For all ages, children under the age of 13 to be under parental/guardian guidance.
Limited to 4 groups, each group a maximum of 15 people. Register online.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Meet at Ubin-HSBC Volunteer Hub, a 10-min walk from Ubin Jetty. More on how to get to Pulau Ubin.
Cost: Guided tours charges: SGD$60.00 / Group (for a maximum of 15 people) Only payment via cheque are allowed until further notice. 4 groups per day allowed, each group can accommodate a maximum of 15 people
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Do you know what the Ubin-HSBC Volunteer Hub was in the 1970s? When was the Toa Pek Kong Temple built? If you would like to know, then this is an excellent introduction to the heritage of the island.
For all ages, children under the age of 13 to be under parental/guardian guidance.
Limited to 4 groups, each group a maximum of 15 people. Register online.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Meet at Ubin-HSBC Volunteer Hub, a 10-min walk from Ubin Jetty. More on how to get to Pulau Ubin.
Cost: Guided tours charges: SGD$60.00 / Group (for a maximum of 15 people) Only payment via cheque are allowed until further notice. 4 groups per day allowed, each group can accommodate a maximum of 15 people
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
19 Sep (Sat): Talks for Creepy Crawlies and Other Invertebrates Week

Critter Chatter
Did you know that the male Golden Orb Web Spider can be 1000 times smaller than the female? Come down and listen to short talks by our staff and volunteers on a variety of subjects from animal behaviours, wildlife research in Sungei Buloh to wildlife photography tips!
Live out your wildest dreams by signing up for ‘I Want to be a Wildlife Biologist!’
Guided Walk
Join the creepy crawlies themed walk for everyone.
Unleash your child’s artistic flair at the Kid’s Activity Station, where different “wild” activities await them every week!
Badge making
Bookmark making
Sticker Time!
Educational card games
Face/Hand painting
Go Wild!
Go wild with animal props at our photo booth or try to mimic of one of our local invertebrates! Also, see how it feels to get 'caught' on our camera traps! If you’d rather be not be in the spotlight, enter our photo caption contest and stand a chance to get featured on the official NParks Facebook page!
Time: 9-3pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance).
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
19 Sep (Sat): I want to be a Wildlife Biologist!
Always imagined working with nature and wildlife? Have you always dreamt of being a field biologist studying animals in the wild? Then sign up for one of our workshops- where you'll be taught and mentored by wildlife photographer, wildlife biologist and a wildlife artist. This short introduction is an invaluable chance for you live out your wildest dreams!
“I want to be a wildlife biologist” by Sarah Pascoe – A workshop for children who want to experience what it would be like to be a field biologist, they will be taught how to survey and observe animals in the wild and will have a chance to carry out surveys around the reserve to have a full experience.
Limited to 15 children aged 10 to 12. The workshop is free but registration is required. Register online here.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance)
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Limited to 15 children aged 10 to 12. The workshop is free but registration is required. Register online here.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance)
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
19 Sep (Sat): Walks for Creepy Crawlies and Other Invertebrates Week at Sungei Buloh
What is ‘cicada rain’? Why do some spiders pretend to be ants? Why are insects and spiders important? This themed guided walk for families will showcase the wildlife of Sungei Buloh, and is part of the Wow Wild West event.
Families are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces each tour!
9-10.30am: Register online
1.30-3pm: Register online
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Families are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces each tour!
9-10.30am: Register online
1.30-3pm: Register online
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
19 Sep (Sat): Nature Sketching in the Gardens with Pui San
Enjoy nature creatively through this engaging, fun and therapeutic activity. Join our volunteer artist, Mr Tham Pui San, as he teaches and guides you in acquiring drawing and observation skills to equip you for an interesting journey of nature appreciation.
Please bring along your own sketching materials. Recommended sketching materials to bring:
• Drawing or sketching block , A3 or A4 size, with a strong rigid back page for support
• Pencils of 2B and 4B softness grade
• Sharpener
• Small piece of sand paper (medium grade)
• Cotton buds
• Normal eraser
• Kneadable eraser or blue tack
This event is held every third Saturday of every alternate month
Registration is required 15mins before the activity on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre at Nassim Gate. Limited to maximum 20 adults per session.
Time: 9am - 11am
Venue: Visitor Centre, Botany Centre (Level 1).
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: 6471 7361 and NParks_SBG_Visitor_Services@nparks.gov.sg
Please bring along your own sketching materials. Recommended sketching materials to bring:
• Drawing or sketching block , A3 or A4 size, with a strong rigid back page for support
• Pencils of 2B and 4B softness grade
• Sharpener
• Small piece of sand paper (medium grade)
• Cotton buds
• Normal eraser
• Kneadable eraser or blue tack
This event is held every third Saturday of every alternate month
Registration is required 15mins before the activity on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre at Nassim Gate. Limited to maximum 20 adults per session.
Time: 9am - 11am
Venue: Visitor Centre, Botany Centre (Level 1).
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: 6471 7361 and NParks_SBG_Visitor_Services@nparks.gov.sg
18 Sep (Fri): Mandarin guided tour at Sungei Buloh
Join us for a morning guided walk around the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.
This guided walk is suitable for everyone, including families with children.
The walk will be cancelled in the event of rain. Number of participants is limited to 20 people. Minimum number of participants is 5. Register online.
Time: 9.30-11am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at the Information Counter, Kranji Way entrance
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

The walk will be cancelled in the event of rain. Number of participants is limited to 20 people. Minimum number of participants is 5. Register online.
Time: 9.30-11am
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at the Information Counter, Kranji Way entrance
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
7-13 Sep: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Wild walks
Wild talks
Wondering what to do with the kids during the September school holidays? Check out the highlights of exciting nature activities specially for kids lined up for the school holidays!
And MORE fun school holiday activities to discover and enjoy Singapore's biodiversity!
- Overnight Nature Camp on St. John’s Island for kids
- Rural Nature & Kampong Culture Walk on Pulau Ubin
- Nite Critter Watch at Pasir Ris Mangrove Boardwalk
- Strange Plants for kids
- Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
- I Want to be a Wildlife Sculptor!
- Talks for the Cold- Blooded Week featuring Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish & Crustaceans
- Walk for Cold-blooded Week at Sungei Buloh
- Discover Pond Life - a guided tour for kids
- I heART Nature Workshop for kids
- "Let's Learn about Birds" - talk and walk for kids
- Let's Learn About Dragonflies - A guided tour for kids
- A Lion Without A Roar (A drama workshop for kids)
- Young Mathematician of the Garden
- Fun with Maths and Plants!
Wild walks
- Herp Walk @ Lower Peirce
- A walk with your neighbours - the macaques of MacRitchie
- Rainforest Tour at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
- Birdwatching at the Southern Ridges
Wild talks
Wondering what to do with the kids during the September school holidays? Check out the highlights of exciting nature activities specially for kids lined up for the school holidays!
And MORE fun school holiday activities to discover and enjoy Singapore's biodiversity!
13 Sep (Sun): Herp Walk @ Lower Peirce
Herps are reptiles like lizards and snakes, and amphibians like frogs. Let the HSS volunteers introduce you to some delightful and interesting herps in their inaugural walk.
In an effort to promote an awareness of Singapore’s natural and historical heritage, and to promote conversations amongst Singaporeans, the Herpetological Society of Singapore has begun the Herp Walk @ Lower Peirce. We want to raise awareness, in particular, about Herps! These misunderstood creatures are often thought of as scary or unnecessary. But we want to show Singaporeans that Herps are important and integral to the Singaporean ecosystem!
The walk is free but registration is required online.
Time: 3-6pm
Venue: Lower Peirce. More details on their blog.
Website: https://herpsocsg.wordpress.com/
In an effort to promote an awareness of Singapore’s natural and historical heritage, and to promote conversations amongst Singaporeans, the Herpetological Society of Singapore has begun the Herp Walk @ Lower Peirce. We want to raise awareness, in particular, about Herps! These misunderstood creatures are often thought of as scary or unnecessary. But we want to show Singaporeans that Herps are important and integral to the Singaporean ecosystem!
The walk is free but registration is required online.
Time: 3-6pm
Venue: Lower Peirce. More details on their blog.
Website: https://herpsocsg.wordpress.com/
12 Sep (Sat): Strange Plants for kids
Led by Cicada Tree Eco Place. Some plants can have very strange qualities. Some, like pitcher plants, eat up bugs. Others, like ant plants, feed bugs which care for them in return. And there are those which chase bugs away with the smell they emit. And of course, there are plants which have sweet leaves or shoots that are edible. In this lesson, kids will also see examples of useful plants like rattan from which we get baskets and furniture. The lesson will end with a walk in the garden to hunt for all sorts of strange plants.
For children 5 to 12 years.
This is part of 'Connecting with Nature' programmes featuring a series of educational activities in our parks where you and your family can learn and appreciate nature.
To register, email NParks_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg. Please provide your name, contact number and number of participants. After which, payment has to be made by cheque, two weeks before the event date.
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Venue: HortPark, Greenhouse
Cost: $25/person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
For children 5 to 12 years.
This is part of 'Connecting with Nature' programmes featuring a series of educational activities in our parks where you and your family can learn and appreciate nature.
To register, email NParks_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg. Please provide your name, contact number and number of participants. After which, payment has to be made by cheque, two weeks before the event date.
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Venue: HortPark, Greenhouse
Cost: $25/person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): A walk with your neighbours - the macaques of MacRitchie
The long-tailed macaques are the most conspicuous animals at Macritchie Reservoir Park. Although commonly seen, they are very misunderstood. Few seeing them realise anything about the social world these monkeys live in. They have kin networks, power struggles, friends, foes, and an otherwise complex social network. In many ways, they provide a mirror of our own sociality.
If you would like to learn more about your community and the interesting world of your neighbouring macaques at Macritchie, please join our free walk, led by experts from the Jane Goodall Institute Singapore.
Suitable for adults and children above 8 years.
Register at sg.monkey.walk@gmail.com, at least 3 days in advance. Do provide us with your preferred date, name, contact number (in case of cancellation, we will contact you), number of adult and children participants (at most, 5 participants per registration). Upon receiving your registration, we will reply with a confirmation email. The walk will be cancelled if there is bad weather 45 minutes before the walk.
Time: 5-6.30pm
Venue: Meet at Mushroom Cafe at Macritchie Reservoir Park. The walk will be at Macritchie Reservoir Park, Lawn @ Paddle Lodge
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
If you would like to learn more about your community and the interesting world of your neighbouring macaques at Macritchie, please join our free walk, led by experts from the Jane Goodall Institute Singapore.
Suitable for adults and children above 8 years.
Register at sg.monkey.walk@gmail.com, at least 3 days in advance. Do provide us with your preferred date, name, contact number (in case of cancellation, we will contact you), number of adult and children participants (at most, 5 participants per registration). Upon receiving your registration, we will reply with a confirmation email. The walk will be cancelled if there is bad weather 45 minutes before the walk.
Time: 5-6.30pm
Venue: Meet at Mushroom Cafe at Macritchie Reservoir Park. The walk will be at Macritchie Reservoir Park, Lawn @ Paddle Lodge
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): Rainforest Tour at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
A free guided nature walk through a rainforest right in the heart of the city! Along a boardwalk, under the shade of giant trees, learn about our rainforests, spot forest creatures and strange plants.
Suitable for young children.
More about the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail on the wildsingapore website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NPark's Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every second Saturday of the month.
Tours in Mandarin are available at 10am and 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm; Register 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre, Nassim Gate.
Tour duration: One hour.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Suitable for young children.
More about the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail on the wildsingapore website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NPark's Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every second Saturday of the month.
Tours in Mandarin are available at 10am and 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm; Register 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre, Nassim Gate.
Tour duration: One hour.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): Talks for the Cold- Blooded Week featuring Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish & Crustaceans

Critter Chatter
Did you know that we can recognise all the Estuarine Crocodiles in Sungei Buloh? Come down and listen to short talks by our staff and volunteers on a variety of subjects from animal behaviours, wildlife research in Sungei Buloh to wildlife photography tips!
Live out your wildest dreams by signing up for ‘I Want to be a Wildlife Sculptor!’
Guided Walk
Join this “cold-blooded” themed walk for everyone.
Unleash your child’s artistic flair at the Kid’s Activity Station, where different “wild” activities await them every week!
Badge making
Bookmark making
Sticker Time!
Story telling
Magic show
Go Wild!
Go wild with animal props at our photo booth or try to mimic of one of our local cold-blooded animals! Also, see how it feels to get 'caught' on our camera traps! If you’d rather be not be in the spotlight, enter our photo caption contest and stand a chance to get featured on the official NParks Facebook page!
Time: 9-3pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance).
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): I Want to be a Wildlife Sculptor!
Always imagined working with nature and wildlife? Always dreamt of being a field biologist studying animals in the wild? Then sign up for one of our workshops - where you'll be taught and mentored by a wildlife photographer, wildlife biologist or wildlife artist. This short introduction is an invaluable chance for you to live out your wildest dreams!
“I want to be a wildlife sculptor” by Toh Chay Hoon- Learn how to sculpt your favourite wild animals with clay and create your own works of art. Ages 13 to 17.
Limited to 15 participants. Register online.
Time: 9.30-11.30pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance).
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
“I want to be a wildlife sculptor” by Toh Chay Hoon- Learn how to sculpt your favourite wild animals with clay and create your own works of art. Ages 13 to 17.
Limited to 15 participants. Register online.
Time: 9.30-11.30pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance).
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): Walk for Cold-blooded Week at Sungei Buloh
Why do reptiles love to bask in the sun? What are the differences between frogs and toads? How do fishes survive in the mangroves? This themed guided walk for families will showcase the wildlife of Sungei Buloh, and is part of the Wow Wild West event that runs from 29th August 2015 to 19th September 2015.
Families are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces each tour!
9.30-10.30am: Register online
1.30-3pm: Register online
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Families are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces each tour!
9.30-10.30am: Register online
1.30-3pm: Register online
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
The Naked Hermit Crabs introduce you to Chek Jawa without getting your feet wet. Even though we are not going on to the shore, there is still much to see and enjoy. There are monitor lizards, fiddler crabs, spiders, rare plants, wild boar, mudskippers and lots of fruit trees. If we are lucky, we might even spot the Oriental Pied Hornbill, White-bellied Sea Eagle and the giant Atlas Moth.
Not more than five persons in a group, pre-register with this online form.
More details on the event and how to get to Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin on the Adventures with the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.
Time: 9.30am meet at the Chek Jawa Info Kiosk, Pulau Ubin.
Duration: Two hours
Cost: no charge for now, but donations accepted.
Website: http://nakedhermitcrabs.blogspot.com/
Contact: nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
Not more than five persons in a group, pre-register with this online form.
More details on the event and how to get to Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin on the Adventures with the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.
Time: 9.30am meet at the Chek Jawa Info Kiosk, Pulau Ubin.
Duration: Two hours
Cost: no charge for now, but donations accepted.
Website: http://nakedhermitcrabs.blogspot.com/
Contact: nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
12 Sep (Sat): Discover Pond Life - a guided tour for kids

How do aquatic plants survive when they are submerged in water? What are the special characteristics that aquatic plants have which enable them to float on water surface? Aquatic plants are also habitats to many animals. Discover the fascinating pond ecology and be introduced to food chains and the ecosystem. You will be amazed by the many different types of aquatic plants and animals that could be found in the ponds.
Suitable for children in K1 – P6 levels. Register online.
Register with the SBG Education Branch at 6471 9961 and 6465 0196 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult. Please make the payment on the spot on the event date itself.
Venue: Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): I heART Nature Workshop for kids
This interactive free parent-child bonding session includes interesting art and craft activities and a short nature appreciation walk.
For children ages 5 to 7. Child must be accompanied by 1 parent. Maximum 10 children. Register online.
Time: 9-10.30am
Venue: Labrador Nature Reserve, Berlayer Shade and Tanjong Berlayer
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
For children ages 5 to 7. Child must be accompanied by 1 parent. Maximum 10 children. Register online.
Time: 9-10.30am
Venue: Labrador Nature Reserve, Berlayer Shade and Tanjong Berlayer
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): Birdwatching at the Southern Ridges
Join us for this free birdwatching tour at the Southern Ridges, where up to 43 species of birds have been spotted so far. Volunteer guides from STMicroelectronics will take you through the Forest Walk and the Singing Forest in search of these beautiful birds. Do bring along a pair of binoculars or a camera with a zoom function for a better experience.
This programme is brought to you by the Garden City Fund and STMicroelectronics. This event is part of the Connecting with Nature programme at the Southern Ridges.
Things to bring: Water, umbrella and mosquito repellent. Do wear comfortable clothes, preferably long pants and shoes too.
Maximum group size 60 persons. The activity will only commence when there are at least 15pax and we will inform you of the confirmation latest 6 days before the activity date.
Register online.
Time: 7.30-9.30am
Meeting Point: Mount Faber Park, Entrance of Henderson Waves
Contact: Lee_Li_Pei@nparks.gov.sg .
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
This programme is brought to you by the Garden City Fund and STMicroelectronics. This event is part of the Connecting with Nature programme at the Southern Ridges.
Things to bring: Water, umbrella and mosquito repellent. Do wear comfortable clothes, preferably long pants and shoes too.
Maximum group size 60 persons. The activity will only commence when there are at least 15pax and we will inform you of the confirmation latest 6 days before the activity date.
Register online.
Time: 7.30-9.30am
Meeting Point: Mount Faber Park, Entrance of Henderson Waves
Contact: Lee_Li_Pei@nparks.gov.sg .
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Sep (Sat): Rural Nature & Kampong Culture Walk on Pulau Ubin
Join this walk for kids by Cicada Tree Eco Place! The island of Pulau Ubin has the last of Singapore’s bygone village ‘kampong’ culture. Here you will experience a quaint kampong vibe and the laid-back lifestyle of the people living and working on their tropical island home, and see retro architecture. Much has remained unchanged and it still seems like a walk into the past, back to 1960s Singapore.
We start our walk into the rural countryside, bypassing bountiful kitchen gardens and fruit orchards. We peek over fences to look at wooden kampong houses and their outdoor toilets. Our route will go through a herb, spice, veg plot and also coffee and jasmine plantations.
We then walk on bunds through mangrove forests to spot mudskippers, kingfishers and tree-climbing crabs. Ubin is most likely the best place in the world to hear the incredible song of the globally endangered Straw-headed Bulbul. Our walk continues through lalang grassland where we’ll stop to play lalang arrows, and a coconut plantation. If time permits, we will visit the 2-storey kampong house of the late Mr Lim Chye Joo who was the lovely, wise village headman for the Chinese community on Ubin to have a look at his photo gallery. We return to the main village on the main road. BTW June is durian and rambutan season on Ubin.
Please note:
Time: 9am to 12noon
Cost: $13 per participant. Free for participants’ kids aged 6 yrs and below. Cost excludes the bumboat ride to Pulau Ubin at $2.50 per person one way.
Venue: Pulau Ubin
Meeting Point: We meet at 9.00am at street level main entrance of Changi Jetty (also known as Changi Point Ferry Terminal) at Lorong Bekukong, 5 mins walk away from Changi Village hawker centre. Walk ends around 11.30am back at Ubin’s main village and jetty.
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg/
We start our walk into the rural countryside, bypassing bountiful kitchen gardens and fruit orchards. We peek over fences to look at wooden kampong houses and their outdoor toilets. Our route will go through a herb, spice, veg plot and also coffee and jasmine plantations.
We then walk on bunds through mangrove forests to spot mudskippers, kingfishers and tree-climbing crabs. Ubin is most likely the best place in the world to hear the incredible song of the globally endangered Straw-headed Bulbul. Our walk continues through lalang grassland where we’ll stop to play lalang arrows, and a coconut plantation. If time permits, we will visit the 2-storey kampong house of the late Mr Lim Chye Joo who was the lovely, wise village headman for the Chinese community on Ubin to have a look at his photo gallery. We return to the main village on the main road. BTW June is durian and rambutan season on Ubin.
Please note:
- Please bring poncho/raincoat/umbrella, fully filled refillable water bottle, cap, herbal mosquito repellent, snacks. Optional items: camera, sunglasses.
- Please wear full length long pants, tee-shirt, socks and fully covered shoes. Long-sleeved shirt is recommended.
- There are provision shops, restaurants, cafes and bike rentals on Ubin.
Time: 9am to 12noon
Cost: $13 per participant. Free for participants’ kids aged 6 yrs and below. Cost excludes the bumboat ride to Pulau Ubin at $2.50 per person one way.
Venue: Pulau Ubin
Meeting Point: We meet at 9.00am at street level main entrance of Changi Jetty (also known as Changi Point Ferry Terminal) at Lorong Bekukong, 5 mins walk away from Changi Village hawker centre. Walk ends around 11.30am back at Ubin’s main village and jetty.
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg/
11 Sep (Fri): Two Talks on Bees as Watchable Wildlife, and the Buzz on Bees
Open to the Public
Join us at the NSS office from 7pm to 8.30pm for two talks on bees.
First, Dr John Ascher will introduce these attractive and ecologically-crucial pollinators, as well as describe some of their behaviours, including nocturnal foraging, cuckoo-like parasites, and their pollination of restored Tiger Orchids in our parks. Singapore has more than 100 bee species in 28 genera, from giant Carpenter Bees to minute Stingless Honeybees. The inclusion of bees into citizen science inventory and monitoring programmes will be advocated. The camera-wielding public can also play a key role in tracking the spread of exotic species, including a newly-detected dwarf honey bee, and in characterising the habitat needs and floral associations of both sensitive and urban-associated species.
Next, Carl Baptista from Pollen Nation will share more about the bees in Singapore and the growing appreciation of them. Learn about their history, as well as their importance in religion, medicine and agriculture. Special attention will be paid to the widely-distributed Southeast Asian Stingless Honeybee (Tetragonula laeviceps), and what makes it special. Learn how the preservation of this bee and others will impact Singaporeans, our environment, as well as the food and plants we enjoy.
Time: 7-8.30pm
Venue: NSS Office, 510 Geylang Road #02-05, The Sunflower
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
10 Sep (Thu): "Let's Learn about Birds" - talk and walk for kids
Wondering what is the bird behind that beautiful song which you hear? With over 130 species of birds recorded within its grounds, the Singapore Botanic Gardens provides an excellent introduction to Singapore's diverse birdlife. In this slide talk and guided tour, participants will learn to identify common birds in the Gardens through learning the basic morphology of these birds. You will also hear stories about some fun facts of birds' behaviour too!
Suitable for children in P3 – P6 levels
Enquires contact the SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Suitable for children in P3 – P6 levels
Enquires contact the SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Register online.
Time: 3.30-5pm
Cost: $9 per child and $9 per accompanying adult. Please make payment on the spot on the event date itself.
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Time: 3.30-5pm
Cost: $9 per child and $9 per accompanying adult. Please make payment on the spot on the event date itself.
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
10 Sep (Thu): Let's Learn About Dragonflies - A guided tour for kids
Did you know that dragonflies are among one of the most ancient winged insects in the world? If we travel back to the Jurassic age, you will realise that they have not changed very much in terms of their body structures! Join us in this guided tour to learn more about this beautiful insect in Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden. You will learn the differences between a dragonfly and damselfly, its life cycle as well as the habits of a dragonfly. During the tour, we will also observe the dragonflies up close with a magnifying glass.
Suitable for children in P1 – P3 levels
Register with the SBG Education Branch at 6471 9961 or 6465 0196 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 9.30-11am
Cost: $9 per child and $9 per accompanying adult. Please make the payment on the spot on the event date itself.
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Suitable for children in P1 – P3 levels
Register with the SBG Education Branch at 6471 9961 or 6465 0196 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Register online.
Time: 9.30-11am
Cost: $9 per child and $9 per accompanying adult. Please make the payment on the spot on the event date itself.
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
10 Sep (Thu): Nite Critter Watch at Pasir Ris Mangrove Boardwalk
This walk for kids is by Cicada Tree Eco Place. This location is very good for a night critter walk and that’s why we keep going back there. As dusk falls, we look out for emerging bats and observe their acrobatic feeding flight.

We explore deep into the mangrove forest via the extensive boardwalks to look for other nocturnal critters such as the Dog-faced Watersnake, Crab-eating Watersnake and Black-crowned Night-heron. Tree-climbing crabs may be seen perched high above on branches, as if they're birds. Several species of owls have been encountered here, plus the Large-tailed Nightjar. Fireflies live in this forest. Though only seasonally numerous, we should meet some. Other exciting critters met here include the Reticulated Python, Palm Civet and Mangrove Flatworm. This easy walk is on level pathways and wooden boardwalks. We will take a snack break at one of the shelters.
Please note:
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Cost: $13 per pax (adult or kid). Free for kids aged 6 yrs and below accompanying adult participants.
Venue: Pasir Ris Park Mangrove Boardwalk
Meeting Point: We meet at 6.15pm outside the public toilet building at right side of Car Park C at end of Pasir Ris Green Road which is off Pasir Ris Drive 3 Road. Walk ends at 8.30pm back at starting point.
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg/
Please note:
- Remember to bring torchlight with batteries, and poncho/raincoat/umbrella, fully-filled refillable water bottle, herbal mosquito repellent.
- Do have an early dinner before coming.
- Please wear full length long pants, tee-shirt, socks and covered shoes. Long-sleeved shirt is recommended.
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Cost: $13 per pax (adult or kid). Free for kids aged 6 yrs and below accompanying adult participants.
Venue: Pasir Ris Park Mangrove Boardwalk
Meeting Point: We meet at 6.15pm outside the public toilet building at right side of Car Park C at end of Pasir Ris Green Road which is off Pasir Ris Drive 3 Road. Walk ends at 8.30pm back at starting point.
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg/
8 Sep (Tue): Overnight Nature Camp on St. John’s Island for kids
St. John’s Island, off the southern coast of Singapore, still has natural seashore ecosystems and amazing biodiversity. Here the coastal forest grows to meet natural sandy beaches, rocky shore and mangrove forest, to coral reefs off-shore. Dolphins are regularly sighted from this little island.
Cicada Tree Eco Place is organising an overnight nature camp for parents and kids. Activities planned for participants include nature-guided day/night/land/seashore walks, islandlife workshop and a slide show on the biodiversity of our offshore islands.
8 Sep (Tue) 10am Ferry boarding to St.John’s
Ferry boarding back to Singapore 9 Sep (Wed) 10.45am.
Simple dormitory with single beds, communal toilets and bathrooms. Blankets and fresh sheets provided.
To be self-catered. We will cook a simple pasta dish for dinner for all. Facilities at the dormitory include a kitchen and fridge, so you can cook instant noodles and store foodstuff.
Cost per adult: $100
Cost per kid 6 to 12 yrs old: $80
Kids 5 yrs and below: $15 each.
Please note:
-This camp is limited to only 40 participants.
-All participants will need to sign an indemnity form.
-There is no clinic, doctor or medic stationed on the island but quick evacuation is available in case of emergencies. It is a 20 min speedboat ride back to the mainland.
-The program, further details and instructions will be provided to confirmed participants.
-Payments are non-refundable but seats are transferable.
Registration: pls email Celine Low at contact@cicadatree.org.sg with names of participants, kids' ages & your mobile no.
deadline for registration: 26 august 2015.
Cicada Tree Eco Place is organising an overnight nature camp for parents and kids. Activities planned for participants include nature-guided day/night/land/seashore walks, islandlife workshop and a slide show on the biodiversity of our offshore islands.
8 Sep (Tue) 10am Ferry boarding to St.John’s
Ferry boarding back to Singapore 9 Sep (Wed) 10.45am.
Simple dormitory with single beds, communal toilets and bathrooms. Blankets and fresh sheets provided.
To be self-catered. We will cook a simple pasta dish for dinner for all. Facilities at the dormitory include a kitchen and fridge, so you can cook instant noodles and store foodstuff.
Cost per adult: $100
Cost per kid 6 to 12 yrs old: $80
Kids 5 yrs and below: $15 each.
Please note:
-This camp is limited to only 40 participants.
-All participants will need to sign an indemnity form.
-There is no clinic, doctor or medic stationed on the island but quick evacuation is available in case of emergencies. It is a 20 min speedboat ride back to the mainland.
-The program, further details and instructions will be provided to confirmed participants.
-Payments are non-refundable but seats are transferable.
Registration: pls email Celine Low at contact@cicadatree.org.sg with names of participants, kids' ages & your mobile no.
deadline for registration: 26 august 2015.
8 Sep (Tue): A Lion Without A Roar (A drama workshop for kids)
Through nature, we can learn and grow in character. The rich biodiversity in nature makes it a good teaching tool to develop children’s character through dramatization. Children will be encouraged to care for nature and to be aware of its biodiversity. In this workshop, learn how shouts and threats are not the way to make friends, nor is it a way to get what you want.
Suitable for children in K1 – P6 Levels
For enquiry, please contact the SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or through email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $10 per child
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Suitable for children in K1 – P6 Levels
For enquiry, please contact the SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or through email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $10 per child
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
7 Sep (Mon): Young Mathematician of the Garden
How many petals are there on a flower? Count the number of leaflets on a leaf. Get introduced to addition, subtraction, and many more mathematical skills that you can apply to plants. Be a young Mathematician of the Garden in this guided tour and have fun learning about Maths and Plants.
Suitable for children in P3 – P6 levels.
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or through email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Register online.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying parent
Venue: Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic GardensWebsite: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Suitable for children in P3 – P6 levels.
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or through email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Register online.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying parent
Venue: Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic GardensWebsite: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
7 Sep (Mon): Fun with Maths and Plants!
Have fun being a little Mathematician and discover plants at the same time! Learn basic math concepts through colours, shapes, sizes and numbers. Practice your skills using leaves, flowers and other plant parts. You will discover that Mathematics is fun and interesting!
Suitable for children in K1 – P2 levels.
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or email nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Register online.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying parent
Venue: Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic GardensWebsite: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Suitable for children in K1 – P2 levels.
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or email nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Register online.
Time: 10-11am
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying parent
Venue: Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic GardensWebsite: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
31 Aug - 6 Sep: Highlights of the week ahead
School holiday specials
For kids and the family
Walks in wild places
Wild talks
Wondering what to do with the kids during the September school holidays? Check out the highlights of exciting nature activities specially for kids lined up for the school holidays!
And MORE fun school holiday activities to discover and enjoy Singapore's biodiversity!
For kids and the family
- Talks on Feathers & Beaks -- Bird Week at Sungei Buloh
- I Want to be a Wildlife Photographer!
- Walks for Feathers & Beaks -- Bird Week at Sungei Buloh
- Free Pasir Ris Mangrove boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
- Storytime with Sara at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
- Fun walk along the Southern Ridges
Walks in wild places
- BES Drongos Petai Trail Walk
- Tour of the Healing Garden, Botanic Gardens
- Birdwatching at Lorong Halus
Wild talks
Wondering what to do with the kids during the September school holidays? Check out the highlights of exciting nature activities specially for kids lined up for the school holidays!
And MORE fun school holiday activities to discover and enjoy Singapore's biodiversity!
5 Sep (Sat): Tour of the Healing Garden, Botanic Gardens
The Healing Garden showcases over 400 varieties of plants used medicinally. It is laid out thematically relating to component parts of the body such as head, respiratory and reproductive systems. Spread over 2.5 hectares, this garden is designed as a tranquil retreat with medical plants traditionally used in Southeast Asia as the main focus.
Registration is required 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre. Mandarin tours are only available at 10am. English tours are available for all slots.
This free walk is conducted every first Saturday of the month.
Time: 9am and 10am, please register 15 minutes before the tour
Venue: Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre, Nassim Gate, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Registration is required 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre. Mandarin tours are only available at 10am. English tours are available for all slots.
This free walk is conducted every first Saturday of the month.
Time: 9am and 10am, please register 15 minutes before the tour
Venue: Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre, Nassim Gate, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
5 Sep (Sat): Birdwatching at Lorong Halus
Open to the public.
This walk, led by Jimmy Lee will start at Punggol Promenade. For years, Little Grebes have made their home at Lorong Halus, an old rubbish dump site. Grassland species like Yellow-Bellied Prinia, Munias, Baya Weaver and Long-tailed Shrike thrive here, while interesting migrant species may be encountered during the migration season. In 2011, PUB completed works to create "Lorong Halus Wetland" to help purify water that flow through the former dump site. Come join us for an enjoyable morning of sights and sounds presented by these birds.
More details on the NSS website.
Time : 7.30am - 11am
Venue: Meet at 7.30 am beside Popeye Restaurant at Tebing Lane off Punggol East. You can take the MRT to Punggol station and transfer to the LRT. Alight at Riviera LRT station and walk towards the meeting point.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
This walk, led by Jimmy Lee will start at Punggol Promenade. For years, Little Grebes have made their home at Lorong Halus, an old rubbish dump site. Grassland species like Yellow-Bellied Prinia, Munias, Baya Weaver and Long-tailed Shrike thrive here, while interesting migrant species may be encountered during the migration season. In 2011, PUB completed works to create "Lorong Halus Wetland" to help purify water that flow through the former dump site. Come join us for an enjoyable morning of sights and sounds presented by these birds.
More details on the NSS website.
Time : 7.30am - 11am
Venue: Meet at 7.30 am beside Popeye Restaurant at Tebing Lane off Punggol East. You can take the MRT to Punggol station and transfer to the LRT. Alight at Riviera LRT station and walk towards the meeting point.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
5 Sep (Sat): Talk on "Secret Shores of Singapore"
Ria Tan of wildsingapore will share about "Secret shores of Singapore". No need to swim, no need to dive! Ordinary people can experience much of Singapore's amazing marine life on the intertidal shore. Otters, wild dolphins, sea turtles! Nemos, sea snakes, living corals and more. From accessible shores like Sentosa, Changi and Tanah Merah, to our many huge submerged reefs. Ria shares photos and stories of recent adventures on our living shores. And how you too can visit our shore and make a difference for them.
In conjuction with the launch of the “Amazing Sentosa Marine Life” photo exhibition (Sep-Dec 2015).
Free Northern and Southern shores brochures will be given to all participants courtesy of wildsingapore.
Time: 12noon-1pm
Venue: Sentosa Nature Discovery Discovery Room (located beside the Butterfly Park and Insect Kingdom. Take Bus 1 from Beach Station and alight at the Imbiah Lookout stop. The Discovery Room is located on the first level of Sentosa Nature Discovery.)
The talk is free but the room has limited seating so please register with nature@sentosa.com.sg
Admission charges to Sentosa apply (http://www.sentosa.com.sg/en/getting-to-around-sentosa/getting-to-sentosa/)
Sentosa will also be screening the “Wild City” documentary from 2-4pm during the school holidays, 5-13 Sep.
In conjuction with the launch of the “Amazing Sentosa Marine Life” photo exhibition (Sep-Dec 2015).
Free Northern and Southern shores brochures will be given to all participants courtesy of wildsingapore.
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The 'green' Northern shores guidesheet. |
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The 'blue' Southern shores guidesheet |
Time: 12noon-1pm
Venue: Sentosa Nature Discovery Discovery Room (located beside the Butterfly Park and Insect Kingdom. Take Bus 1 from Beach Station and alight at the Imbiah Lookout stop. The Discovery Room is located on the first level of Sentosa Nature Discovery.)
The talk is free but the room has limited seating so please register with nature@sentosa.com.sg
Admission charges to Sentosa apply (http://www.sentosa.com.sg/en/getting-to-around-sentosa/getting-to-sentosa/)
Sentosa will also be screening the “Wild City” documentary from 2-4pm during the school holidays, 5-13 Sep.
5 Sep (Sat): Free Pasir Ris Mangrove boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
Specially for kids and families, explore Pasir Ris mangroves with volunteer nature guides from the Naked Hermit Crabs on this FREE guided tour of the boardwalk!
During our evening stroll through this interesting but often overlooked mangrove, we are sure to see lots of crazy tree climbing crabs, delightful giant mudskippers and cool monitor lizards. Pasir Ris is also one of the few places where nesting herons are easily observed. And as the sun sets, we might spot some nocturnal animals like watersnakes. If we're lucky, we may catch a glimpse of the rare Mangrove pitta or the family of otters that have been seen here! More details on the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.
Register through this online form. A confirmation note will be sent.
Time: 5pm. We should end at around 6.30pm, just before sunset.
Meeting point: Pasir Ris Park, Carpark C, meet near the first toilets nearest the entrance to the carpark. The meeting point is a short stroll from the Pasir Ris MRT station. Map
Website and contact: http://nakedhermitcrabs.blogspot.com/
During our evening stroll through this interesting but often overlooked mangrove, we are sure to see lots of crazy tree climbing crabs, delightful giant mudskippers and cool monitor lizards. Pasir Ris is also one of the few places where nesting herons are easily observed. And as the sun sets, we might spot some nocturnal animals like watersnakes. If we're lucky, we may catch a glimpse of the rare Mangrove pitta or the family of otters that have been seen here! More details on the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.
Register through this online form. A confirmation note will be sent.
Time: 5pm. We should end at around 6.30pm, just before sunset.
Meeting point: Pasir Ris Park, Carpark C, meet near the first toilets nearest the entrance to the carpark. The meeting point is a short stroll from the Pasir Ris MRT station. Map
Website and contact: http://nakedhermitcrabs.blogspot.com/
5-13 Sep: Family special at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
This September holiday, what better way to learn and have fun at the same time? There's a special promotion this school holiday, so grab this chance to an educational trip with your little ones!
Do not miss the 2 for 1 admission ticket promotion, where every 2 paying adults entitles 1 child, student or senior citizen to come for free!
Also, simply take a selfie with the Orangutan, email it to lkcnhm@gmail.com and stand a chance to win prizes with your creativity!
And many other activities lined up for you this school holidays.
More details on the Museum blog.
Do not miss the 2 for 1 admission ticket promotion, where every 2 paying adults entitles 1 child, student or senior citizen to come for free!
Also, simply take a selfie with the Orangutan, email it to lkcnhm@gmail.com and stand a chance to win prizes with your creativity!
And many other activities lined up for you this school holidays.
More details on the Museum blog.
5 Sep (Sat): Storytime with Sara at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
Join us for a fun-filled storytelling session, specially designed for little ones. Children will explore Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden with Sara the Botanicosaurus and her squirrel friends, Fluff-tail and Twitchy. To conclude the programme, children will have the opportunity to get up-close and personal with plants that are featured in the story, and even have the chance to rock the Suspension Bridge and play hide-and-seek in the Maze.
Suitable for children in N1 – K2 Levels
Register online.
For enquiry, please contact the SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or through email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Cost: $6 per child, $6 per accompanying adult
Suitable for children in N1 – K2 Levels
Register online.
For enquiry, please contact the SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or through email: nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Cost: $6 per child, $6 per accompanying adult
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
5 Sep (Sat): Fun walk along the Southern Ridges
Take your family on a leisurely stroll through the Southern Ridges, a soothing sanctuary of greenery that is steeped in history and home to some of nature's greatest gifts of flora and fauna.
Highlights of the free tour include the Henderson Waves, Sembcorp Forest of Giants, Forest Walk and Singing Forest.
This free walk is conducted by the Sembcorp volunteer guides. The walk is free and made possible by Garden City Fund and Sembcorp. This event is part of the Connecting with Nature programme at the Southern Ridges.
Things to bring: Water, umbrella and mosquito repellent. Do wear comfortable clothes, preferably long pants and shoes too.
Maximum group size 60 persons. The activity will only commence when there are at least 15pax and we will inform you of the confirmation latest 6 days before the activity date.
Register online.
Time: 9-11am
Venue: Telok Blangah Hill Park, Multipurpose Plaza
Meeting Point: Entrance of Henderson Waves at the Mount Faber Park side
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Highlights of the free tour include the Henderson Waves, Sembcorp Forest of Giants, Forest Walk and Singing Forest.
This free walk is conducted by the Sembcorp volunteer guides. The walk is free and made possible by Garden City Fund and Sembcorp. This event is part of the Connecting with Nature programme at the Southern Ridges.
Things to bring: Water, umbrella and mosquito repellent. Do wear comfortable clothes, preferably long pants and shoes too.
Maximum group size 60 persons. The activity will only commence when there are at least 15pax and we will inform you of the confirmation latest 6 days before the activity date.
Register online.
Time: 9-11am
Venue: Telok Blangah Hill Park, Multipurpose Plaza
Meeting Point: Entrance of Henderson Waves at the Mount Faber Park side
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
5 Sep (Sat): Talks on Feathers & Beaks -- Bird Week at Sungei Buloh

Critter Chatter
Ever wondered why some birds seem to come for a holiday here in the months of August- April? Come down and listen to short talks by our staff and volunteers on a variety of subjects from animal behaviours, wildlife research in Sungei Buloh to wildlife photography tips!
Live out your wildest dreams by signing up for ‘I Want to be a Wildlife Photographer!’
Guided Walk
Join this bird themed walk for everyone.
Unleash your child’s artistic flair at the Kid’s Activity Station, where different “wild” activities await them every week!
Badge making
Bookmark making
Sticker Time!
Story telling
Magic show
Go Wild!
Go wild with animal props at our photo booth or try to mimic of one of our local birds! Also, see how it feels to get 'caught' on our camera traps! If you’d rather be not be in the spotlight, enter our photo caption contest and stand a chance to get featured on the official NParks Facebook page!
Time: 9-3pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre. Please meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre (Kranji Way entrance).
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
5 Sep (Sat): I Want to be a Wildlife Photographer!
Always imagined working with nature and wildlife? Always dreamt of being a field biologist studying animals in the wild? Then sign up for one of our workshops - where you'll be taught and mentored by a wildlife photographer, wildlife biologist or wildlife artist. This short introduction is an invaluable chance for you to live out your wildest dreams!(Note: only open to certain age groups)
"I want to be a wildlife photographer!” by Mendis Tan - A workshop for individuals who are keen to learn basics of wildlife photography, in this work shop you’ll be taught basic photography skills and composition techniques. Bring along your cameras and learn the ropes of wildlife photography! Don’t have your own camera? No worries, the basics you will learn can be used even if you’re snapping pictures on your camera phone. Ages 16 and above.
Limited to 15 participants. Register online.
Time: 1-3pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
"I want to be a wildlife photographer!” by Mendis Tan - A workshop for individuals who are keen to learn basics of wildlife photography, in this work shop you’ll be taught basic photography skills and composition techniques. Bring along your cameras and learn the ropes of wildlife photography! Don’t have your own camera? No worries, the basics you will learn can be used even if you’re snapping pictures on your camera phone. Ages 16 and above.
Limited to 15 participants. Register online.
Time: 1-3pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
5 Sep (Sat): BES Drongos Petai Trail Walk
Our fun-loving team of volunteers are all geared up for this guiding season! Take the chance to walk with us in the early morning and enjoy some fresh air. Be ready to break a little sweat and fulfill your weekly workout quota with a leisurely hike while learning interesting stories facts about the unique flora and fauna of the CCNR. The 2.5hour walk follows the Petai Trail boardwalk, which hugs the MacRitchie reservoir.
More information and registration online and http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
Time: 8.45am to 12noon
Meeting Place: Mushroom Cafe at the toilet hut near the entrance of Macritchie Reservoir Park.
Website: http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
More information and registration online and http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
Time: 8.45am to 12noon
Meeting Place: Mushroom Cafe at the toilet hut near the entrance of Macritchie Reservoir Park.
Website: http://besdrongos.wordpress.com/
5 Sep (Sat): Walks for Feathers & Beaks -- Bird Week at Sungei Buloh
Why is Singapore such an important place for birds? How do you tell different bird species apart? Why do some birds have metal rings and flags on their legs? This themed guided walk for families will showcase the wildlife of Sungei Buloh, and is part of the Wow Wild West event that runs from 29th August 2015 to 19th September 2015.
Families are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces each tour!
9-10.30am: Register online
1-2.30pm: Register online
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Families are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces each tour!
9-10.30am: Register online
1-2.30pm: Register online
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
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