16 Jul (Fri): The Wallace Talk: "An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles" by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

In conjunction with the International Year of Biodiversity 2010, the National Parks Board & Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research at the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore jointly present a public talk:

"An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles: Alfred Russel Wallace and the Theory of Natural Selection" by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

Charles Darwin has been lionized as one of the giants of western thought for his theory of evolution. But what about Alfred Russel Wallace, a contemporary of Darwin’s who independently developed the theory of natural selection during his eight-year sojourn in Southeast Asia? Why did Darwin become a household name while Wallace became a historical footnote?

The speaker has been following Alfred Russel Wallace for some 30 years, retracing many of his voyages in the Amazon and Southeast Asia.

More about the talk and the speaker on The Biodiversity Crew @ NUS.


Please register for the talk with the registration form at this link

Time: 6pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 22, Faculty of Science cience Drive 2, National University of Singapore. map to LT22