All shore guides from all groups are welcomed to attend! So it's also a unique opportunity to meet other shore guides. Together, everyone can share, learn and DO!
Each session begins with a brief introduction to the framework issues and Q&A. Following which, the participants will be divided into small groups. The bulk of the time is allocated to small-group workshops facilitated by experienced shore guides. It's a fun and meaningful way to learn from one another, and develop new ideas to reach out for our shores!
The "Guides of Singapore Shores (GSS) Workshop" is a collaboration among the Blue Water Volunteers (BWV), The Leafmonkey Workshop and wildsingapore with Supporting Partner, The Singapore Scout Association.
8 July 2010 (Thu): Introduction to Intertidal Guiding
15 July 2010 (Thu): Reefs and Coral Rubble
22 July 2010 (Thu): Rocky Shore and Coastal Forest
29 July 2010 (Thu): Sandy Shore and Seagrass Meadow
5 August 2010 (Thu): Mangrove animals and plants
Field Session: 14 August 2010 (Sat)
To sign up, please fill up this registration form.
More information on wild shores of singapore and The Leafmonkey Workshop