What is SWiMMS about?
The Singapore Wild Marine Mammal Survey (SWiMMS) is a programme hoping to monitor the dolphin, porpoise and dugong populations in Singapore waters by establishing a volunteer network and reporting system.
Why are wild marine mammal sightings important?
Pilot studies by the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), National University of Singapore (NUS) have shown that several species of coastal dolphins, the finless porpoise and dugong are sighted in Singapore waters.
It appears likely that Singapore and neighbouring waters are important for coastal and riverine marine mammals in that together they form a habitat for these animals. However, more information is required to strengthen this concept of an extended habitat. With increasing coastal development and climate change, continued monitoring of marine mammals is essential to ensure their long-term survival.
You CAN make a difference!
If you should see a marine mammal in Singapore or regional waters, please let SWiMMS know. Email swimms@nus.edu.sg or fill in their on-line reporting form with as much information as you can.
Come for this talk to find out more. The talk is free and all are welcome!
Time: 3-4pm
Venue: Department of Biological Sciences, Conference Room, S3, Level 5, NUS map by Sivasothi
Website and contact: http://www.tmsi.nus.edu.sg/mmrl/home.htm