For kids and the family
Wild walks
Other events
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
28 Oct (Sun): Paint along with Pui San at Sungei Buloh
Free art-and-nature appreciation at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Tham Pui San, a volunteer of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, is an avid artist who expresses his passion for nature through his art work.
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing or painting supplies and enjoy learning different drawing techniques at Sungei Buloh.
More in the art in the wetlands blog.
Time: 8.30-11.30am, meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre.
Admission charges:While the art session is free, usual admission charges to Reserve apply. $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at call 6794 1401

Tham Pui San, a volunteer of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, is an avid artist who expresses his passion for nature through his art work.
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing or painting supplies and enjoy learning different drawing techniques at Sungei Buloh.
More in the art in the wetlands blog.
Time: 8.30-11.30am, meet at Information Counter, Visitor Centre.
Admission charges:While the art session is free, usual admission charges to Reserve apply. $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at call 6794 1401
28 Oct (Sun): Birdwatching at Bidadari
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
The former Bidadari Cemetery, bounded by Bartley Road and Upper Serangoon Road, has proven to be an interesting site for migrants and visitors in recent years. Notable sightings include the Hooded Pitta, Ruddy Kingfisher, Crow-billed Drongo, as well as various Cuckoos and Flycatchers. HDB development work will start at Bidadari by year end, so join Sutari in exploring this spot while it is still a peaceful bird haven.
Time: 7.30-11am
Venue: Meet Sutari Supari by Woodleigh MRT station.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
The former Bidadari Cemetery, bounded by Bartley Road and Upper Serangoon Road, has proven to be an interesting site for migrants and visitors in recent years. Notable sightings include the Hooded Pitta, Ruddy Kingfisher, Crow-billed Drongo, as well as various Cuckoos and Flycatchers. HDB development work will start at Bidadari by year end, so join Sutari in exploring this spot while it is still a peaceful bird haven.
Time: 7.30-11am
Venue: Meet Sutari Supari by Woodleigh MRT station.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
27 Oct (Sat): Birdwatching along the Railway Corridor
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
We will explore the Maju Camp Forest. These dense woods hug the Jurong Line after Clementi Road. As this is a little explored area, it should prove to be an exciting excursion for birds and other wildlife. Do note that this is rough trek, not along the old Jurong railway, but along a trail that is hilly and seldom used. Interesting possibilities include the Rufous Woodpecker, Straw-headed Bulbul, Oriental Magpie Robin, Greater Coucal and Grey-rumped Treeswift.
Time: 7.45-11am
Venue: Meet Dr Ho Hua Chew at Clementi Neighbourhood Park. This is near Blk 116 Sunset Way, located off Clementi Road.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
We will explore the Maju Camp Forest. These dense woods hug the Jurong Line after Clementi Road. As this is a little explored area, it should prove to be an exciting excursion for birds and other wildlife. Do note that this is rough trek, not along the old Jurong railway, but along a trail that is hilly and seldom used. Interesting possibilities include the Rufous Woodpecker, Straw-headed Bulbul, Oriental Magpie Robin, Greater Coucal and Grey-rumped Treeswift.
Time: 7.45-11am
Venue: Meet Dr Ho Hua Chew at Clementi Neighbourhood Park. This is near Blk 116 Sunset Way, located off Clementi Road.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
27 Oct (Sat): HortPark Butterfly Garden guided tour
HortPark's Butterfly Garden is a 150-sqm landscaped theme garden comprising an enclosure and an outdoor garden. Providing a visual feast of tropical plants and nearly 20 species of native butterflies, the Butterfly Garden enables visitors to learn about the different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Within the enclosure, visitors are greeted with an up close and personal encounter with these flying jewels and can observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight.
The Butterfly Garden also serves as an experimental garden for National Parks Board to work on a Butterfly Species Recovery Programme to research on suitable nectar and host plants for breeding a variety of butterfly species, including locally extinct species such as Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) and Common Sergeant (Athyma perius).
Get up close and personal with the flying jewels, and learn their different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight within HortPark's Butterfly Garden.
This walk is free and is held every last Saturday of the month.
Time: 9-11am, please gather at the Butterfly Garden for the tour
Contact: 6471 5601
The Butterfly Garden also serves as an experimental garden for National Parks Board to work on a Butterfly Species Recovery Programme to research on suitable nectar and host plants for breeding a variety of butterfly species, including locally extinct species such as Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) and Common Sergeant (Athyma perius).
Get up close and personal with the flying jewels, and learn their different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight within HortPark's Butterfly Garden.
This walk is free and is held every last Saturday of the month.
Time: 9-11am, please gather at the Butterfly Garden for the tour
Contact: 6471 5601
27 Oct (Sat): Sara goes Carbon Footprinting

For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or Online registration is available on (under "Education")
Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Fee: $8.50 per child (includes $2.50 “Sara Goes Carbon Footprinting" workbook) and $6 per accompanying adult
Contact: 64719961 or
27 Oct (Sat): Evolution Garden guided walk

Take a journey through time, from the fiery planet that our world was in ancient times before memory, through the planet of dinosaurs, and into the modern world of 250,000 different flowering plants we enjoy today.
Journey through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Suitable for kids.
This walk is held every fourth Saturday of the month. Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre.
Time: 9am
Venue: Register at Visitor Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens before the tour starts.
Website and contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
27 Oct (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come-first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.
Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: or call 6794 1401
20 Oct (Sat): Pond Life Discovery for kids

Suitable for children in K1 – P2 levels
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or . Online registration is available on (under "Education")
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Green Pavilion, Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Fee: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult
Contact: 64719961 or
20 Oct (Sat): Waders' Watch Workshop at Sungei Buloh
The migratory bird season has started and the birds are here at Sungei Buloh! Sungei Buloh is an important bird site for these birds. Every year, thousands of these birds visit Sungei Buloh and other parts of Singapore to find food and shelter during winter in the northern parts of the world. Join in this workshop to know how to identify these amazing birds. Also learn how to Birdwatch and how you can help NParks in studying the migratory patterns of these birds in Singapore.
The workshop comprises a lecture and discussion about the birds followed by a field tour to practice identifying migratory shorebirds. It would be good if you have a pair of binoculars but we can loan you a limited number of binoculars. Attire: Cotton, covered comfortable walking shoes
Please email to reserve your place as there are limited slots. Upon receiving your cheque, we will confirm your registration.
Time: 9.30am to 1pm
Cost: $5 (Includes admission fees and materials) (Please pay by cheque payable to National Parks Board)
Contact: or call 6794 1401
The workshop comprises a lecture and discussion about the birds followed by a field tour to practice identifying migratory shorebirds. It would be good if you have a pair of binoculars but we can loan you a limited number of binoculars. Attire: Cotton, covered comfortable walking shoes
Please email to reserve your place as there are limited slots. Upon receiving your cheque, we will confirm your registration.
Time: 9.30am to 1pm
Cost: $5 (Includes admission fees and materials) (Please pay by cheque payable to National Parks Board)
Contact: or call 6794 1401
20 Oct (Sat): National Orchid Garden guided tour
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids in the National Orchid Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Since 1859, orchids have been closely associated with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The products of the Gardens' orchid breeding programme, which began in 1928, deserve a place where they can be displayed in their full splendour. The very design of these orchids is, one could say, 'hand-crafted' by the Gardens' horticultural staff, dedicated to bringing out the finest in any hybrid cross.
Over 1000 species and 2,000 hybrids are now found in the Gardens' collection, with about 600 species and hybrids on display. Every year, more vibrant and enduring hybrids are added on. So that all may admire and enjoy their diversity, richness and beauty, the National Orchid Garden now offers a permanent showcase, the largest display of tropical orchids in the world.
This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every third Saturday of the month.
A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
Since 1859, orchids have been closely associated with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The products of the Gardens' orchid breeding programme, which began in 1928, deserve a place where they can be displayed in their full splendour. The very design of these orchids is, one could say, 'hand-crafted' by the Gardens' horticultural staff, dedicated to bringing out the finest in any hybrid cross.
Over 1000 species and 2,000 hybrids are now found in the Gardens' collection, with about 600 species and hybrids on display. Every year, more vibrant and enduring hybrids are added on. So that all may admire and enjoy their diversity, richness and beauty, the National Orchid Garden now offers a permanent showcase, the largest display of tropical orchids in the world.
This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every third Saturday of the month.
A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
20 Oct (Sat): A walk in an ancient forest, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

At this walk, the guide will introduce you to the common native flora and fauna found in the primary rainforest.
This guided walk is suitable for families with children and groups of not more than 5. Along a slightly undulating natural path, the trail is not accessible to prams and wheelchairs.
More about the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve on the wildsingapore website and NParks website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Central Nature Reserve and is held every third Saturday of the month.
Sign up on this online form.
Time: 9.25am-10.30am. Meet at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre, at the ranger counter.
20 Oct (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come-first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.
Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: or call 6794 1401
8-14 Oct: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Wild walks
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Wild walks
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
14 Oct (Sun): Birdwatching at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is a good place to study and learn how to identify the many migratory birds that winter in Singapore. For novice birdwatchers, come and let the expert show you how to separate a plover from a sandpiper, or the Marsh Sandpiper from the Greenshank. Differences may be subtle but once they are pointed out, you will be surprised to find that it is not difficult after all.
NSS Kids attending the walk with their parents will have a dedicated kids guide. For members only.
Time: 7.30-11am
Venue: Meet Lim Kim Chuah by the ticket counter of the reserve, which is located off Neo Tiew Crescent.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is a good place to study and learn how to identify the many migratory birds that winter in Singapore. For novice birdwatchers, come and let the expert show you how to separate a plover from a sandpiper, or the Marsh Sandpiper from the Greenshank. Differences may be subtle but once they are pointed out, you will be surprised to find that it is not difficult after all.
NSS Kids attending the walk with their parents will have a dedicated kids guide. For members only.
Time: 7.30-11am
Venue: Meet Lim Kim Chuah by the ticket counter of the reserve, which is located off Neo Tiew Crescent.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
13 Oct (Sat): HeART for Nature - FREE workshop for kids

Limited spaces available. Register online or email
Time: 9.30-10.30am. The workshop will be cancelled in the event of bad weather.
Venue: Dairy Farm Nature Park- Wallace Education Centre
Website and contact:
13 Oct (Sat): Forest walk at the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail

Suitable for young children.
More about the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail on the wildsingapore website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NPark's Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every second Saturday of the month.
Tours in Mandarin are available at 10am and 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm; Register 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One hour.
Contact: Visitor Services, 64717361 or NPARKS_SBG_Visitor_Services@NPARKS.GOV.SG
13 Oct (Sat): Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs

Not more than five persons in a group, pre-register at
More details on the event and how to get to Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin on the Adventures with the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.
Time: 9.30am meet at the Chek Jawa Info Kiosk, Pulau Ubin.
Duration: Two hours
Cost: no charge for now, but donations accepted.
13 Oct (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come-first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.
Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: or call 6794 1401
1-7 Oct: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Wild walks
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Wild walks
- Mandarin guided tour at Sungei Buloh
- Tour of the Healing Garden, Botanic Gardens
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
7 Oct (Sun): Mandarin guided tour at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Pre-register by calling 67941401, minimum 5 participants to start the tour and maximum 15. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website.
Time: 9.30 am, meet at the Information Counter, Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: or call 6794 1401
7 Oct (Sun): M.A.D. (Make A Difference) for Wild Pigs

Where do wild pigs live in Singapore? Are there wild pigs that live in other parts of the world? What do wild pigs look like? What do they eat? What may eat them? How many piglets do they usually have? What dangers do they face? How can we live with them? What can we do to conserve them? If we should meet a with a wild pig, what should we do? If you're a kid between the ages of 5 and 10 years, and would like to learn more about wild pigs, then join us for an evening of fun and learning. Take home with you a better idea about wild pigs that live in our midst.
Note: This workshop will not bring you into close contact with wild pigs.
More about this workshop.
Pre-registration and more details with Celine Low at giving participants' names, ages and a mobile no. please indicate which lesson you are signing up for. Additional date: 26 Aug (Sun) 6-8 pm
Time: 5.30-7.30 pm
Meeting point: Car park at main entrance of Lower Peirce Reservoir park off Old Upper Thomson Road, behind petrol station. Map
Website and contact:
7 Oct (Sun): Birdwatching at Pulau Semakau
for Nature Society (Singapore) members only
October is a good time to visit Semakau for its varied birdlife. In addition to the resident attractions like the Great-billed Heron, Pacific Reef Egret and Malaysian Plover, it is possible to see rare migrants such as the Chinese Egret and Ashy Drongo. Return to the mainland by 2.00pm.
More details on the NSS website.
Time: 7.30am-2pm. Meet at West Coast Pier near the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club.
Contact: email or call 6741 2036.
October is a good time to visit Semakau for its varied birdlife. In addition to the resident attractions like the Great-billed Heron, Pacific Reef Egret and Malaysian Plover, it is possible to see rare migrants such as the Chinese Egret and Ashy Drongo. Return to the mainland by 2.00pm.
More details on the NSS website.
Time: 7.30am-2pm. Meet at West Coast Pier near the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club.
Contact: email or call 6741 2036.
6 Oct (Sat): Butterfly Walk at KTM Railway
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Anuj will lead the explorations of the stretch of Railway Line bordering Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Expect to see a mix of grassland and forest butterflies. Do bring along a hat and enough water.
Time: 9.30-12noon
Venue: Meet at the intersection of Rifle Range Road and Dunearn Road.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
Anuj will lead the explorations of the stretch of Railway Line bordering Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Expect to see a mix of grassland and forest butterflies. Do bring along a hat and enough water.
Time: 9.30-12noon
Venue: Meet at the intersection of Rifle Range Road and Dunearn Road.
Contact: Goh Ter Yang at or call 6741 2036.
6 Oct (Sat): HeART for Nature Workshop for kids

Limited spaces available. Register online or email
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (Hindhede Nature Park, meet at Pulai Hut)
Website and contact:
6 Oct (Sat): Tour of the Healing Garden, Botanic Gardens
A free guided tour of the newly launched Healing Garden which showcases over 400 varieties of plants used medicinally. It is laid out thematically relating to component parts of the body such as head, respiratory and reproductive systems. Spread over 2.5 hectares, this garden is designed as a tranquil retreat with medical plants traditionally used in Southeast Asia as the main focus.
This walk is conducted every first Saturday of the month.
Time: 9am and 10am, please register 15 minutes before the tour
Venue: Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
This walk is conducted every first Saturday of the month.
Time: 9am and 10am, please register 15 minutes before the tour
Venue: Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
6 Oct (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come-first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.
Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Contact: or call 6794 1401
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