Find out why horseshoe crabs (HSC) are regarded as living fossils, and how their bluish blood is useful in medicine. You’ll get to slosh about on the mudflats of Kranji hunting for live HSC, and you might even help rescue HSC trapped in disused nets. Please register your kids with Gloria Seow at gloria_seow@yahoo.com. A registration fee of $5 per child applies. Proper attire includes shoes/booties/wellies (strictly no sandals), hat, water, sun block, insect repellent and a change of clothes. This NSS Kids’ session will be held in conjunction with the regular HSC Rescue & Research mission from 8.30 am to 11.00 am. More details will be emailed to those who sign up.
There is also an international drawing and poem competition "Horseshoe Crabs & the Arts". Kids are encouraged to participate. Bring your own art materials along if interested. See www.horseshoecrab.org/act/contest for details.
Pre-registration required, email gloria_seow@yahoo.com
Time: 8.30-11am
Venue: Mandai mudflats
Registration fee: $5/child
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.