- Family walk at Sentosa with the Naked Hermit Crabs.
- Fun with horseshoe crabs (for Nature Society Singapore members only).
- Fun with maths and plants at the Botanic Gardens.
- Rainforest walk at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
- Nature walk at Lower Pierce Boardwalk.
- Edible and medicinal plants tour at the Botanic Gardens.
- Green vibes, a vegetable garden tour at Bishan Park.
- Family walk at Sentosa with the Naked Hermit Crabs.
- Reefwalk at Kusu Island with the Blue Water Volunteers.
- Horseshoe crab research and rescue (for Nature Society Singapore members only).
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on Saturday and Sunday.
- Intertidal walk at Pulau Semakau with the Raffles Museum Saturday and Sunday.
- Workshop for International Coastal Cleanup Singapore
- Mid-year Bird Census
- Fun with horseshoe crabs
- Horseshoe crab research and rescue
Here's our Photo of the Week: A spoilt brat indeed! Observing our common wildlife will reveal that we have lots in common with them!