Your support helps us monitor and document Hantu's reef on a regular basis! Let's see what's waiting for us out there this time!
Pre-registration is required.
Organised by the Hantu Bloggers, check out their blog for more details of the upcoming trip and to register online.
From the Hantu Bloggers: "The Hantu Blog Dives are integral to our work on the island. More than just an educational field trip, our dives are also our primary source of funding to develop and maintain public education work in schools and at national events. By joining our dives, you’ll not only be signing up for an insightful and eye-opening weekend, you’ll also be contributing to our efforts to safe guard Pulau Hantu and its marine life."
Join the The Hantu Bloggers Yahoo Group to read the trip itinerary, and to be informed of future dives.
Website: http://www.pulauhantu.org/
Contact: hantublog@gmail.com