Please register your kids (4 to 12 years old) at gloria_seow@yahoo.com, stating their names and ages, if you are a NSS member or not, your mobile number, and if you need us to provide binoculars or not (to see the tiny crabs).
A fee of $5 per child (member) or $10 per child (non-member) will be collected on the spot. Parents are encouraged to come along at no charge. Details will be emailed to those who sign up.
Time: 8am, meet at Changi Point Ferry Terminal. You will need to bring $9 per person to cover the return ferry fares to Pulau Ubin ($5) and the return van ride to Chek Jawa ($4), excluding registration fees.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.