The native plants of Singapore are those species that naturally occur in here, and not accidentally or deliberately introduced by humans. In urban horticultural landscapes in Singapore streets, parks and gardens, most of the plants used are non-native or exotic species; in some parts of Singapore, all plants in the landscape are exotic! In this talk, the case will be made for using native species, with brief notes on how to grow them as well as utilize them for landscape designs in urban Singapore. Singapore's Minister of National Development proposed the idea for a City Biodiversity Index in May 2008. This index (now called the Singapore Index on Cities' Biodiversity) will soon be applied to Singapore and other participating cities, is a representative measure of the native biodiversity in cities. It is thus timely for Singaporeans to cultivate native species in earnest, not only to conserve them more effectively, but for the numerous ecological and environmental services they can provide. The first 100 members of the audience will each receive a native plant species for cultivation at home.
More details about Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan and the talk.
Light refreshments will be served after the talk.
Admission is free but registration is required. More details on the Department of Biological Sciences website.
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: LT 31, Blk S16, National University of Singapore location map
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