This is the 12th in a series of upcoming monthly workshops by The Leafmonkey Workshop for existing nature guides and those interested in becoming nature guides
What is this workshop about?
Molluscs include commonly encountered snails and clams. Our other favourite molluscs are octopuses and 'sotong' (squids and cuttlefishes). What they are? What are their roles and adaptations? Can eat or not? How to find molluscs and handle (or not handle) them in the field. Find out in this brief introduction to molluscs for nature guides.
This workshop is likely to be more useful for those who have already started guiding and who have some basic knowledge of molluscs. The workshop is not intended to replace self-study and practical experience in the field. For more details about molluscs, see the wildsingapore fact sheets.
About the speaker
Ria Tan, WildSingapore
Ria is the author of the Chek Jawa Guidebook as well as the wildsingapore series of websites. She can be found at every low tide visiting almost every bit of shoreline in Singapore. She can be found writing at the wild shores of singapore blog as well.
Please register by 7 Dec (Mon).
More details of the event on the Leafmonkey Workshop
Time: 7 - 9.30pm
Venue: Civil Service College, 31 North Buona Vista Road [Map]