Join us for the first of a series of rainforest study lessons we are having to celebrate the United Nations
International Year the Forest. In this fun and educational outdoor session, we will be studying several different habitats found within a rainforest ecosystem - the canopy, forest floor and stream. We will exlore how each habitat supports its own specialised diversity of plants and animals. Teams will conclude with a sharing session of their interesting findings.
For children between the ages of 6 and 12 years.
To register, email Celine Low at
contact@cicadatree.org.sg giving participant's name, age & your mobile no.
Time: 4-6 pm
Venue: Dairy Farm Nature Park, 100 Dairy Farm Road. Meet at Carpark B.
Cost: $15 per child (with maximum of 2 adults accompanying each kid at no charge)
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg