- Get to know Eppy and friends a guided mangrove walk for the family at Pasir Ris Park.
- Fruit, Glorious Fruits! a guided walk for kids.
- Paper nature craft for kids at Pasir Ris Park.
- Discover the colourful world of butterflies a craft session at the library.
- Earth-friendly puppet-making at the library.
- PLAYing in the park a series of outdoor interactive plays (mini musicals) for children and the young at heart.
Have a fun day outdoors AND make a difference! Help out at Compassionate Day at Acres' Wildlife Rescue Centre on Friday and Saturday.
In the forests, join the Native Plant Hunt to learn more about our native plants in a fun way.
In the gardens, there's a walk at the National Orchid Garden,
In the mangroves, join the guided walks at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on Saturday and Sunday.
For Nature Society (Singapore) members there birdwatching at Pulau Ubin.
On the shores there's an intertidal walk at Pulau Semakau with the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research.
For a special night out, go stargazing at the Singapore Science Centre.
Talks this week include
- Wayside trees and palms at HortPark.
- Kingfishers of Sungei Buloh at the Cheng San Community Library.
- Singapore Hornbill Project at the Pulau Ubin Volunteer Hub
- 6 Jul (Sun): Family walk on Sentosa's natural shores
- 5 Jul (Sat) and 6 Jul (Sun) : Intertidal walk at Pulau Semakau
- 29 Jun (Sun): Dive Pulau Hantu
Marine litter is indeed a hair raising issue. Another thought-provoking photo by Uncle Tay for the photo of the week.