Apart from plants, we often come across many animals in the Gardens, such as, birds, frogs, squirrels, butterflies, dragonflies, ants, earthworms. Be amazed by the many different types of animals in Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden! Learn fascinating facts about wildlife in the Garden and pick up tips on respecting them in nature and our environment. You may even have the chance to get up-close-and-personal with an oriental whip snake and a monitor lizard too!!
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or
nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg . Online registration is available on
www.sbg.org.sg (under "Education")
Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Fee: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg
Contact: 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg