23-29 May: Highlights of the week ahead

For kids and the family

Lots of school holiday events specially for kids! Here's some highlights of activities focusing on biodiversity exploration.

Walks in wild places

29 May (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.

Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

29 May (Sun): Paint along with Pui San at Sungei Buloh

Free art-and-nature appreciation at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

Tham Pui San, a volunteer of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, is an avid artist who expresses his passion for nature through his art work.

Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing or painting supplies and enjoy learning different drawing techniques at Sungei Buloh.

More in the art in the wetlands blog.

Time: 8.30-11.30am, meet at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ticketing counter (Visitor Centre).
Admission charges: While the art session is free, usual admission charges to Reserve apply. $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at thampuisan@hotmail.com or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

28 May (Sat): Birdwatching at Kranji Marshes

Dr Ho Hua Chew leads this walk. From the meeting place, a hired bus will ferry us to our destination. We begin with a pleasant stroll along a countryside road to the Kranji Marshes where we will continue our walk along the PUB Bund. The marsh is designated by URA as a Nature Park and is currently adopted by NSS under the PUB’s ABC Waters Programme. Birding highlights here include the Red-wattled Lapwing, Purple Swamphen, Rusty-breasted Cuckoo, White-browed Crake, Changeable Hawk Eagle, Grey-headed Fish Eagle and more.

Pre-registration required, maximum 20 persons. Email kranji@nss.org.sg by by 18 March 2011.

This walk is open to the public

Time: 7.45am meet at Kranji Dam Carpark near the Tidal Gates of Kranji Reservoir (off Kranji Way). Reachable by Bus 925 from Kranji MRT Station.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.

28 May (Sat): Public Walk at Butterfly Trail @ Orchard

Let’s take a leisurely stroll along the newly-created Butterfly Trail @ Orchard, to witness the sight of butterflies living in an urban environment. We will start at the butterfly garden in Stamford Green, passing through SMU, Dhoby Ghaut Green, Istana Park and ending at the open space in Penang Road. We hope to see butterflies such as the Plain Tiger, Leopard, Tawny Coster, Autumn Leaf and more.

This walk is open to the public.

Time: 9.30am-noon. Meet Anuj in front of the National Museum at 93 Stamford Road. Stamford Green is accessible by the outdoor escalator next to the museum.
Venue: Orchard Road

Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.

28 May (Sat): Sara Goes To Supermarket Garden - a guided tour for kids

Sara, the Botanicosaurus is back! This time Sara, with her siblings and friends, visit the Supermarket Garden in the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden. Join Sara to learn fascinating facts and hear interesting stories about the banana, peanut, soya bean, sugarcane, sweet potato and many more yummy fruits and vegetables in this special garden. Alongside learning about plants which you can eat, pick up tips on being a nutritional winner by eating delicious greens to stay strong and healthy.

For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg . Online registration is available on www.sbg.org.sg (under "Education")

Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels

Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Fee: $9 per child (includes $3 “Sara goes to the Supermarket Garden” workbook) and $6 per accompanying adult
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg
Contact: 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg

28 May (Sat): Getting To Know Our Dipterocarps : Elders Of Our Forest at Yishun Park

Calling all 5 to 10 year olds! Come learn about the beautiful and important forest trees at Yishun Park through a nature walk, fun games, animal yoga and story-telling.

You will learn how trees grow, why they are important, and the plants and animals that call trees home.

To register, please email your name, age, contact number to Celine Low at contact@cicadatree.org.sg

Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Yishun Park amphith
Cost: $10 per participant
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg

28 May (Sat): HortPark Butterfly Garden guided tour

HortPark's Butterfly Garden is a 150-sqm landscaped theme garden comprising an enclosure and an outdoor garden. Providing a visual feast of tropical plants and nearly 20 species of native butterflies, the Butterfly Garden enables visitors to learn about the different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Within the enclosure, visitors are greeted with an up close and personal encounter with these flying jewels and can observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight.

The Butterfly Garden also serves as an experimental garden for National Parks Board to work on a Butterfly Species Recovery Programme to research on suitable nectar and host plants for breeding a variety of butterfly species, including locally extinct species such as Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) and Common Sergeant (Athyma perius).

Get up close and personal with the flying jewels, and learn their different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight within HortPark's Butterfly Garden.

This walk is free and is held every last Saturday of the month.

Time: 9-11am, please gather at the Butterfly Garden for the tour
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: 6471 5601

28 May (Sat): Evolution Garden guided tour

Take a journey through time, from the fiery planet that our world was in ancient times before memory, through the planet of dinosaurs, and into the modern world of 250,000 different flowering plants we enjoy today.

Journey through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.

Suitable for kids.

This walk is held every fourth Saturday of the month. Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre.

Time: 9am (English tour)
Venue: Register at Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre before the tour starts.
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361

28 May (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.

Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

28 May (Sat): Race Against Time – Science behind a Botanic Garden Tour

Join this free tour by staff of the Singapore Botanic Gardens to learn more about the Gardens’ research work.

Come and explore the hub of the Gardens' research facilities at the Singapore Botanic Gardens to learn about botanical research. Find out about the urgency of plant exploration, collection and scientific documentation as species and habitats continue to be lost in the region. Visit the Orchid Micro-propagation and hybridisation display and find out how new hybrids are produced. You can also enter the restricted domain of the Herbarium and Library to learn about the valuable historical treasures they hold for science and posterity.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Green Pavilion, Botany Centre (max 20 persons).

Time: 10-11am
Venue: Green Pavilion, Botany Centre
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Services at 6471 7361
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/

16-22 May: Highlights of the week ahead

For kids and the family
I've started compiling activities planned for the June school holidays. Check them out for your early planning and registration. Here's what has been announced so far, with these events specially for kids. More events can be expected and will be updated as they are announced.

Special event at Pulau Ubin

Walks in our wild places

Talks this week

Other events
  • Imprints a green gathering of short videos, discussion and walking in the Wallace Trail, in celebration of International Day of Biodiversity

for Nature Society (Singapore) members only

Registration now open

22 May (Sun): Kids’ Musang Watch!

In celebration of International Day of Biological Diversity, come watch the wild with us!
photo by Chan Kwok WaiCommon Palm Civets are mammals that live in Singapore—in our forests as well as in our midst! A few families of civets (called Musang in Malay) live wild and free in Siglap! Isn’t that neat? Find out where they live, what they eat, why they choose Siglap as their constituency!

This kids’ event is suitable for kids 5 to 12 years old, and their families.

The event is free, and registration is required as space is limited.

Enquiries and registration, email Celine Low at contact@cicadatree.org.sg. Details will be given to you once you are registered.

Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg

22 May (Sun): Horseshoe Crab Rescue & Research

for Nature Society (Singapore) members only

Join us for this monthly mission to rescue and study the Mangrove Horseshoe Crab (HSC). We have also started an ongoing HSC Training & Accreditation Programme for anyone keen to be a qualified HSC R&Rer. We recommend that you bring a cap, shoes/booties, sun block, repellent, cutter (for HSC rescue) and camera. Washing facilities available.

Pre-registeration required. Register with Goh Ter Yang teryang@nss.org.sg stating your name, if you are a NSS member or not, affiliations (eg. school/company), experience (if any) and contact details.

Time: 8.30 am, meet at the extension of Kranji Road near the junction with Kranji Loop. Take bus 925 from Kranji MRT station and alight at the Chinese temple along Kranji Loop, cross the road and look for the nameless track that starts beside Leong Soon Pte Ltd (251 Kranji Road).
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.

21 May (Sat): Free Guided Nature Walk at Pasir Ris Park

Grant Pereira and the Green Volunteers take you on this stroll through mangroves, native trees, and vegetable and spice gardens. If you have binoculars please bring them as there are some interesting birds to see.

Limited to 20 persons. Registration required. Email grant@rameshtravel.com with your name, mobile number and total number of people attending. First come first serve basis!

Time: 9.30am sharp, meet at station control Pasir Ris MRT Station
Website and contact: http://thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com/

22 May (Sun): Imprints - a green gathering of short videos, discussion and walking in the Wallace Trail

To celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity, Underneath the Radar, a local art and film collective, presents a medley of short videos specially curated to explore the impact we have on the environment and to share our thoughts on the possibilities ahead. Do join us as we examine plastic soup, superhero mushrooms, sustainable farming, trees from above and ponder how we can tread more lightly on Earth. The session will end with a walk in Wallace Trail, as 1-km nature trail at Dairy Farm Nature Park.

*Please come in comfortable attire and footwear for outdoor walking. Bring a water bottle and a small towel.

Biography of Artist
We are a collective of friends, both curious and concerned of the world at large, putting together art and film events as an exploration platform to invite public interactions and discussions to widen perspectives about pertinent social issues. Previous events we had organised include a string of documentary screenings and dialogues as part of the Singapore Independent Documentary Festival (SIDF 2009) and a participative art exhibition for International Buy Nothing Day in 2008. With a combined education in film, sociology, linguistics, punk culture, music anthropology and art, we are a local collective entirely made in Singapore.

More information can be found at http://manicurednature.co.cc

To register, please email your name, contact no. to artistcaravan@gmail.com and indicate the workshop name and session that you would like to attend.

Time: 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Venue: Wallace Education Centre, Dairy Farm Nature Park 50 Dairy Farm Road, Singapore
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

22 May (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

For regular walks, registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.

Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

21 May (Sat): Plant Walk at Bukit Brown

For Nature Society (Singapore) members only

Join Dr Shawn Lum and the Plant Group for a pleasant plant walk at Bukit Brown. We will pass through undulating grassland and parkland with pockets of dense secondary forest.

Time: 9-11am. meet at 9 am at the entrance of Bukit Brown Cemetery in Lorong Halwa (off Kheam Hock Road/Lornie Road).
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.

21 May (Sat): Rainforest walk at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is the largest surviving primary rainforest in Singapore. Come and join us on a fascinating journey of discovery to learn more about the natural wonders of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and why we should protect and conserve its complex ecosystem and diversity.

At this walk, the guide will introduce you to the common native flora and fauna found in the primary rainforest.

This guided walk is suitable for families with children and groups of not more than 5. Along a slightly undulating natural path, the trail is not accessible to prams and wheelchairs.

More about the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve on the wildsingapore website and NParks website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Central Nature Reserve and is held every third Saturday of the month.

Registration is required at least a week before the walk. Call 6554 5127 (Mon-Fri).

Time: 9.25am-10.30am. Meet at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre, at the ranger counter.
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

21 May (Sat): Grow Things! A Gardening Workshop for Kids

Get introduced to the plant kingdom and its importance. Learn to identify our native plants, their habitats and how they adapt to their environment. Look at live specimens of unique plants with animal relationships. Learn how to grow a plant in soil, water and pebbles. Discover epiphytic ‘piggyback’ plants. Explore easy methods of propagation to create more plants. Pot up a plant to adopt and bring home. Find out about easy ways to heal Mother Earth, our only home.

This activity is for kids 7 to 12 years old and is conducted by Cicada Tree Eco-Place is a non-government, non-profit organisation that promotes the natural and cultural heritage of Singapore through environmental education and eco-living.

Pre-registation required with NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg or contact HortPark Visitor Services Centre at 64715601.

Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Hands-On House, HortPark
Cost: $25 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

21 May (Sat): Talk on "Enhancing Mangrove Habitats"

Mangrove habitats play an important role along coastlines. They not only provide shelter for coastal, terrestrial and aquatic species but also perform as natural water filter for coral reefs to flourish. Their roots assist to prevent coastal erosion and reduce the damages caused by natural disasters such as cyclones and tsunamis. The mangrove habitats are diminishing due to the increasing residential developments along the coastlines. Hence, it is essential for us to do our part in enhancing the remaining mangrove habitats in Singapore.

Eileen is a manager in the Parks Division in National Parks Board. Being positioned in nature parks in Singapore, she spends much time among the flora and fauna which inhabit these parks.

Registration is not required and the talk is free-of-charge.

Time: 3-4pm
Venue: Programme Zone, Ang Mo Kio Public Library
Contact: Ms Zheng Jiahui at zheng_jiahui@nparks.gov.sg
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

21 May (Sat): PrawnWatch at Sungei Buloh

Free guided introduction to traditional prawn farming. Go on a journey back to the past, where the history of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve as prawn and fish farms is one not to be ignored. The importance of mangroves as a spawning place and nursery for prawns and other life played an important role in shaping Sungei Buloh today. The traditional method of prawn harvesting will be demonstrated and how the tidal influence play a part in this activity will be brought to life.

The highlight is a real hands-on demonstration of a prawn harvest. The kids will be thrilled to check out what comes up with the net, see real live prawns and learn more about our seafood and the tides.

The walk is approximately 5km on wide earthen trails. Suitable for older children who are reasonably fit.

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups.

More about PrawnWatch on the Sungei Buloh website. More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website.

Time: Meet at 9.30am at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Information Counter.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for older children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

21 May (Sat): Guided walk at the Sensory Trail, Pulau Ubin

Experience Ubin's wonderful nature through your senses along our Sensory Trail, the trail will brought you to the patch of herbs and spices and a "Secret Garden" to feel the original garden used to be on the island. Much more along the trail for you to explore.

This walk is held every third Saturday of the month.

Booking now online until 14 May.

For more details about this walk, see the NParks website More about the Sensory Trail on the wildsingapore website and Ubin Volunteers blog

Time: Walks starts 9.30am and lasts for about 1.5 hours. Meet at the Pulau Ubin Main Information Kiosk next to the Ubin Jetty. More on how to get to Pulau Ubin.
Cost: $60 per group of 15 persons, maximum 6 groups
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

21 May (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.

Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

21 May (Sat): Guided walk at the Fort Canning Spice Trail

"Revisiting History, Embracing Nature"
Join us as we guide you along The Fort Canning Spice Trail and discover the fascinating world of spices.

This trail sits on the site of Singapore’s first experimental and botanical garden. A small replica of the 19ha garden, it now has a collection of more than a hundred species of plants - spice, herbs, medicinal, economical and ornamentals. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) trees, which were planted extensively in the first garden, can be found there as well.

Other attractions along this trail also includes the Archaeological Dig, which showcases the actual excavation site, the only such exhibition in modern Singapore and Keramat, believed to be a tomb of Singapore’s last king, Sultan Iskandar Syah.

Whether it is botanical or historical, learning about our history is just a walk in the park.

Walk is moderately easy but will involve walking up slopes and steps so do come dressed comfortably. The tour lasts two and a half hours. This walk is held every third Saturday of the month.

You may also opt for the Heritage on the Hill tour, which will bring you around the park and discover the events that have changed and shaped the face of Fort Canning over the years.

Pre-registration required. Call 63321200 or 63321302 or email nurul_asyiqin_jaffar@nparks.gov.sg

Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Meet courtyard opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

21 May (Sat): National Orchid Garden guided tour

Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids in the National Orchid Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Since 1859, orchids have been closely associated with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The products of the Gardens' orchid breeding programme, which began in 1928, deserve a place where they can be displayed in their full splendour. The very design of these orchids is, one could say, 'hand-crafted' by the Gardens' horticultural staff, dedicated to bringing out the finest in any hybrid cross.

Over 1000 species and 2,000 hybrids are now found in the Gardens' collection, with about 600 species and hybrids on display. Every year, more vibrant and enduring hybrids are added on. So that all may admire and enjoy their diversity, richness and beauty, the National Orchid Garden now offers a permanent showcase, the largest display of tropical orchids in the world.

This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every third Saturday of the month.

A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.

Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361

16-21 May: Wayang at Ubin

Come to Pulau Ubin for authentic traditional wayang in celebration of Tua Pek Kong's birthday!
Thanks to the alert by Alan of Ubin NParks.

Free boat rides to Ubin from Changi Point Ferry Terminal from 6.30pm to 10pm!

There will be nightly wayang show (16-20 May) and finale geitai show (21 May). This is NOT a special performance put up for the public, but a part of the way of life of the residents of Ubin. Here is a chance to take part in a dying tradition. Take a bumboat to Pulau Ubin and enjoy what may be the last of these performances. You can also enjoy a sumptious dinner at the restaurants there before or while watching the show.

More about these festivities on the Pulau Ubin stories blog.

More on how to get to Pulau Ubin.

More about Wayang at Pulau Ubin on the ubin.sgkopi blog.

9-15 May: Highlights of the week ahead

For kids and the family
I've started compiling activities planned for the June school holidays. Check them out for your early planning and registration. Here's what has been announced so far, with these events specially for kids. More events can be expected and will be updated as they are announced.

Walks in wild places

Registration now open

15 May (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

With Mandarin guided tour 9.30-11.15am. Limited to 15 persons. Please register on this link: http://tinyurl.com/register-for-mandarin-guide

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.

Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

15 May (Sun): The Art of Paper Folding at Sungei Buloh

Origami is not only fun, but is also an artistic way of interpreting animals, plants, objects, or basically anything you can think of! The focus of this origami workshop will be on animals that can be found in our nature areas.
For more details see the Purple Mangroves blog.

Time: 1.30-3pm
Venue: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, meet at the Information Counter at the Visitor Centre
Entry charges: While the event is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website and contact: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/

14 May (Sat): Talk and walk for World Migratory Bird Day at Sungei Buloh

Let's celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2011 at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. This year's theme is, "Land Use Changes from a Bird's-Eye View", A Unique Perspective on the World's Changing Environment.

Each year migratory birds fly thousands of kilometres across entire continents covering the vast expanse of the planet, its many different climates and landscapes. Listen to Mr David Li, Conservation Officer and shore bird expert, explain about these amazing birds. A guided tour about what Sungei Buloh does in our Shorebird conservation programme will follow after the talk.

The event is free but pre-registration is requires. Limited to 40 persons. To register, email mendis_tan@nparks.gov.sg

Time: 9.30am-noon
Venue: SBWR Visitor Centre.
Website and contact: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/

14 May (Sat): Monkey Walk at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

In collaboration with NParks, Crystal will be leading Monkey Walks at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. After a short introduction to the Long-tailed macaques, head out to wherever the Hindhede monkeys happen to be, which is typically near the Visitor Centre or carpark at that time of day. As we all observe the macaques, Crystal will share more about their behavior, how to identify specific individuals, how the hierarchy of this group is organized, and more.

Crystal has been working with the Bukit Timah monkeys for the past year and a half and looks forward to the opportunity to share what she has learnt about these fascinating creatures.

The event is free but pre-registration is required with Crystal at sgmonkeywalk@gmail.com at least three days before the day of the walk. Walks will be limited to the first ten people to sign up.

The walk is held every second Saturday, Jan-May 11.

For more details, see Crystal's blog.

Time: 5-6pm
Venue: Meet at the Bukit Timah Visitor Centre. If it rains up to 45 minutes before the walk, the walk will be canceled.

14 May (Sat): Forest walk at the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail

A free guided nature walk through a rainforest right in the heart of the city! Along paved trails, under the shade of giant trees, learn about our rainforests, spot forest creatures and strange plants.

Suitable for young children.

More about the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail on the wildsingapore website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NPark's Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every second Saturday of the month.

A special Mandarin version of this tour is at 4pm.

Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (Enligsh) and 4pm (Mandarin); Register 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One hour.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services, 64717361 or NPARKS_SBG_Visitor_Services@NPARKS.GOV.SG

14 May (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

With Marine Fish Tour at 3.30pm

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.

Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

14 May (Sat): HeART for Nature - FREE workshop for kids

This FREE art workshop helps children to delve deep into their hearts to express nature in various themed art activities like drawing, fingerprinting, origami, puppet making. The children will also learn about our natural heritage.
Photo courtesy of Vanessa ChangSuitable for children aged 5 to 10 (with parental supervision).

Limited spaces available. Please call 3 days in advance at 65545127 (Mondays to Fridays) to register for the activity.

Time: 9.30am - 11.30am
Venue: Dairy Farm Nature Park- Wallace Education Centre
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

14 May (Sat): Flying Fairies at Pasir Ris Park

Join the Green Volunteers for this FREE guided nature walk around Pasir Ris Garden on Satudays to find out more about our butterflies and other wildlife there.

Time: 10am-noon
Venue: Carpark C, Pasir Ris Park
Website and contact: http://thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com/

14 May (Sat): Kitchen Garden Tour at Pasir Ris Park

Topic 3: Explore! Science in my Kitchen. There’s more than what meets the eye. Explore and learn all about plants: Classification, life cycle, plant systems the functions of leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Come to our outdoor science classroom. You will leave in awe of mother nature and cultivate the love of plants.

Suitable for children from K1-P6 levels.

To register, please email your name, contact number and total no. of participants to Yvonne yvonne_chee@nparks.gov.sg.

Registration closes 3 days before the event. The walk will only take place with a minimum of 15 persons.

Time: 9-10am
Venue: Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris Green (Carpark C)
Cost: $4 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

14 May (Sat): "Getting to Know MacRitchie" - a guided tour

Embark on this “Earth & Water” walk at MacRitchie Reservoir Park. Suitable for young children, this walk helps them to understand why forests are so amazing and their relationship with our most essential necessity – water.

This walk is held every second Saturday.

For registration, please email NParks_MAILBOX@nparks.gov.sg and put in the subject title - ATTN: MacRitchie Reservoir Park - Guided Walk. Upon registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Time: 9-11am, meet 8.55am at the Amenities Centre.
Venue: Meet at amenities centre of MacRitchie
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

14 May (Sat): Wallace Education Centre Gallery walk

Join our volunteers for a Nature Gallery walk in Wallace Education Centre to learn about what have been done to protect our forest since the mid-18th Century. Through engaging show and tell stations, you will get to know more about our natural history and how you can play a part in biodiversity conservation. Suitable for adults and family groups with children 12 years and above.
Photo courtesy of Johnny WeeThis guided walk is held every second Saturday of the month.

More details about the Wallace Education Centre on the NParks website.

Please call 3 days in advance at 65545127 to register for the walk.

Time: 9.30-10.30am
Venue: Dairy Farm Nature Park, Wallace Education Centre
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

14 May (Sat): Trees of the Fort

Embark on this adventure and discover the secret lives of our heritage trees and more!
Our nature-loving guides from The Green Volunteers will walk you through this public park that has undergone a series of historical transformation through the centuries. Although much of the original vegetation has disappeared due to these changes, active greening efforts have converted this once formidable fort into an idyllic respite from the hustle and bustle of city life amidst lush and magnificent trees. Meet the Towering Kapok, Flaky Gelam, Gnarled Madras Thorn and many more.

Learn how plants and animals have co-existed and to a certain extent become co-dependant on one another for survival. Immerse yourself in the sounds of nature orchestrated by chirping birds and shrilling cicadas as you walk along the trail.

In a vastly developed urban jungle, Fort Canning offers that unique pocket of biodiversity to appreciate the greenery within our vibrant city.

This is a free public outreach programme in the park.

Time: 4-6 pm
Venue: Meet at courtyard, opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: 6332 1200 or lee_weiling@nparks.gov.sg or or visit thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com

14 May (Sat): "A Forest No Less" in Bukit Batok Nature Park

Learn about the importance of the forest in your daily life!

This one hour tour at Bukit Batok Nature Park highlights the interesting plants and wildlife found in an established secondary forest habitat.

To register, please contact Ms Adelle at adelle_wang@nparks.gov.sg or call 62738602.

Time: 9-10am
Venue: Meeting point 2, Bukit Batok Nature Park
Cost: $4 per person
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

2-8 May: Highlights of the week ahead

For kids and the family

I've started compiling activities planned for the June school holidays. Check them out for your early planning and registration. Here's what has been announced so far, with these events specially for kids. More events can be expected and will be updated as they are announced.

Walks in wild places


Other events and places to check out

21 Apr-2 May: Exhibition on "A decade of biodiversity conservation and discoveries in Singapore" Recent discoveries resulted in about 500 species of plants and animals are new to Singapore, with more than 100 species also new to science. The exhibition showcases some of this bewildering variety of biodiversity from Singapore! With lots of photos and interesting information, in easy-to-read posters. More details on the wild shores of singapore blog.

Just opened new Tampines Eco-Green with "various natural habitats such as marshes, secondary rainforests and freshwater ponds". More media articles on wildsingapore news.

Registration now open

8 May (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.

Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

7 May (Sat): HeART for Nature - FREE workshop for kids

This FREE art workshop helps children to delve deep into their hearts to express nature in various themed art activities like drawing, fingerprinting, origami, puppet making. The children will also learn about our natural heritage.
Photo courtesy of Vanessa ChangSuitable for children aged 5 to 10 (with parental supervision).

Limited spaces available. Please call 3 days in advance at 65545127 (Mondays to Fridays) to register for the activity.

Time: 9.30am - 11.30am
Venue: Lower Peirce Reservoir Park
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

7 May (Sat): Flying Fairies at Pasir Ris Park

Join the Green Volunteers for this FREE guided nature walk around Pasir Ris Garden on Satudays to find out more about our butterflies and other wildlife there.

Time: 10am-noon
Venue: Carpark C, Pasir Ris Park
Website and contact: http://thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com/

7 May (Sat): Edible and Medicinal Plants tour at the Botanic Gardens

Join this free tour by our volunteer guides and spice up your knowledge of Edible and Medicinal Plants.

This tour is conducted every first Saturday. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre, 15 minutes before the tour starts.

More information on the Singapore Botanic Gardens website.

Time: 9am and 10am, register 15 minutes before the tour at Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)

7 May (Sat): Up Close and Personal @ Peirce

Free guided nature walk along the boardwalks through cool, shady forests and by the Lower Peirce Reservoir. Learn about our forests, spot forest and aquatic wildlife, enjoy panaromic views of waters surrounded by luxuriant forest.

Suitable for young children.

More about the Lower Peirce Trail on the wildsingapore website and NParks website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks Central Nature Reserve and is held every first Saturday of the month.

Please register at least three days before the walk at 65545127 or email Paul_Cheng@nparks.gov.sg. Walks will be cancelled in the event of bad weather.

Time: 9.25am. Meet at Casuarina Entrance of the trail along Old Upper Thomson Road, which is a 2-minute walk from Casuarina Road.
Tour duration: One-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

7 May (Sat): "A Forest No Less" in Bukit Batok Nature Park

Learn about the importance of the forest in your daily life!
This one hour tour at Bukit Batok Nature Park highlights the interesting plants and wildlife found in an established secondary forest habitat.

To register, please contact Ms Adelle at adelle_wang@nparks.gov.sg or call 62738602.

Time: 9-10am
Venue: Meeting point 2, Bukit Batok Nature Park
Cost: $4 per person
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

7 May (Sat): Grow Things! A Gardening Workshop for Kids

Get introduced to the plant kingdom and its importance. Learn to identify our native plants, their habitats and how they adapt to their environment. Look at live specimens of unique plants with animal relationships. Learn how to grow a plant in soil, water and pebbles. Discover epiphytic ‘piggyback’ plants. Explore easy methods of propagation to create more plants. Pot up a plant to adopt and bring home. Find out about easy ways to heal Mother Earth, our only home.

This activity is for kids 7 to 12 years old and is conducted by Cicada Tree Eco-Place is a non-government, non-profit organisation that promotes the natural and cultural heritage of Singapore through environmental education and eco-living.

Pre-registation required with NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg or contact HortPark Visitor Services Centre at 64715601.

Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Hands-On House, HortPark
Cost: $25 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

7 May (Sat): Monkey Walk at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

In collaboration with NParks, Crystal will be leading Monkey Walks at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. After a short introduction to the Long-tailed macaques, head out to wherever the Hindhede monkeys happen to be, which is typically near the Visitor Centre or carpark at that time of day. As we all observe the macaques, Crystal will share more about their behavior, how to identify specific individuals, how the hierarchy of this group is organized, and more.

Crystal has been working with the Bukit Timah monkeys for the past year and a half and looks forward to the opportunity to share what she has learnt about these fascinating creatures.

The event is free but pre-registration is required with Crystal at sgmonkeywalk@gmail.com at least three days before the day of the walk. Walks will be limited to the first ten people to sign up.

The walk is held every second Saturday, Jan-May 11.

For more details, see Crystal's blog.

Time: 5-6pm
Venue: Meet at the Bukit Timah Visitor Centre. If it rains up to 45 minutes before the walk, the walk will be canceled.

7 May (Sat): Forest walk at the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail

A free guided nature walk through a rainforest right in the heart of the city! Along paved trails, under the shade of giant trees, learn about our rainforests, spot forest creatures and strange plants.

Suitable for young children.

More about the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail on the wildsingapore website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NPark's Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every second Saturday of the month.

A special Mandarin version of this tour is at 4pm.

Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (Enligsh) and 4pm (Mandarin); Register 15 minutes before the tour at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One hour.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services, 64717361 or NPARKS_SBG_Visitor_Services@NPARKS.GOV.SG

7 May (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Free guided nature walk along the Mangrove boardwalk under shady mangrove trees. Spot mudskippers, crabs and other marine life, learn about our mangroves, enjoy views of the Johor straits.

Suitable for young children.

Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.

More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.

Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401