Missed Dr Daphne's talk last week? No worries, here's a second chance to hear her speak!
This talk is specially organised by NParks.
Professor Daphne Fautin from the University of Kansas, a world authority on sea anemones is currently in Singapore. She has previously helped to identify 10 species of sea anemones that are new records to Singapore and is currently working on identifying more of them. She has also just conducted the Sea Anemone Workshop 2011 in St. John's Island earlier this month.
This would be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the sea anemones in our own waters from the world authority on sea anemones.
The talk is free, all are welcome.
As places are limited, pre-registration is required. To register please email Jonathan Ngiam jonathan_ngiam@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 5-6pm
Venue: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Seminar Room
20-26 Jun: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Walks in our wild places
Talks this week
Film screening this week
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
- Nature Adventure Galore at Labrador
- Kent Ridge Park Heritage Tour
- Say Hello to Seashore Trees Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park
- Let’s Discover Plants & Animals a guided tour for kids
- Excuse Me, Are You a Beach Bug? Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park
- Plants And Their Uses a guided tour for kids
- Raffles Museum Open House for kids!http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
- A Trail Of Colours guided tour for kids
- Fun Nature Drawing Lessons for kids
Walks in our wild places
- Guided walk at Eco Park @ Tampines
- Paint along with Pui San at Sungei Buloh
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh on Saturday and Sunday.
- HortPark Butterfly Garden guided tour
- Fort Canning Spice Trail guided walk
- Evolution Garden guided tour
- Botanical Wonders of MacRitchie
Talks this week
- 25 Jun (Sat): "The Beauty of Forest Butterflies"
- 22 Jun (Wed): About horseshoe crabs in Singapore
- 21 Jun (Tue): "The Sea Anemone Lecture" by Dr Daphne Fautin
Film screening this week
- 25 Jun (Sat): "Jane’s Journey" with a chance to speak to Dr Jane Goodall at the end of the screening!
For Nature Society (Singapore) members only
26 Jun (Sun): Birdwatching at Pulau Ubin
for Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Ali Jaafar leads this walk. We will take a bumboat to Pulau Ubin. This island never fails to surprise with many new things to discover. We will look for specialties including the Red Junglefowl (predecessor to the chicken), Oriental Pied Hornbill and globally endangered Straw-headed Bulbul.
Time: 7.30am, meet at Changi Jetty.
Venue: Pulau Ubin
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
Ali Jaafar leads this walk. We will take a bumboat to Pulau Ubin. This island never fails to surprise with many new things to discover. We will look for specialties including the Red Junglefowl (predecessor to the chicken), Oriental Pied Hornbill and globally endangered Straw-headed Bulbul.
Time: 7.30am, meet at Changi Jetty.
Venue: Pulau Ubin
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
26 Jun (Sun): Kent Ridge Park Heritage Tour
Connecting with Nature Jun 2011: In celebration of "International Year of Forests" join us this June for fun-filled and enriching activities to learn about the forests and wonders of nature around us.
Kent Ridge Park is one of the few places in Singapore that is rich in both historical and natural heritage. Discover its interesting fauna and flora, and learn all about the fiercest battle fought during World War II.
Suitable for children 5 years and above.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9-10.30am
Venue: Kent Ridge Park Carpark B (Vigilante Drive)
Cost: $7 per person.
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Suitable for children 5 years and above.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9-10.30am
Venue: Kent Ridge Park Carpark B (Vigilante Drive)
Cost: $7 per person.
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
26 Jun (Sun): Say Hello to Seashore Trees - Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park

Suitable for children aged 5-10 years.
For enquiries and registration, please email esther_tay@nparks.gov.sg, include name(s), age(s) of participant(s) and at least one contact number. A minimum of 15 persons is required for the event to continue. Closing date 1 week before activity day or when class is full.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Shelter beside Toilet E1 (Carpark E, Pasir Ris Park, Area 3)
Cost: $20 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
26 Jun (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.
Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
26 Jun (Sun): Paint along with Pui San at Sungei Buloh
Free art-and-nature appreciation at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Tham Pui San, a volunteer of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, is an avid artist who expresses his passion for nature through his art work.
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing or painting supplies and enjoy learning different drawing techniques at Sungei Buloh.
More in the art in the wetlands blog.
Time: 8.30-11.30am, meet at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ticketing counter (Visitor Centre).
Admission charges: While the art session is free, usual admission charges to Reserve apply. $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at thampuisan@hotmail.com or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401

Tham Pui San, a volunteer of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, is an avid artist who expresses his passion for nature through his art work.
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing or painting supplies and enjoy learning different drawing techniques at Sungei Buloh.
More in the art in the wetlands blog.
Time: 8.30-11.30am, meet at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ticketing counter (Visitor Centre).
Admission charges: While the art session is free, usual admission charges to Reserve apply. $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at thampuisan@hotmail.com or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
25 Jun (Sat): Butterfly Trail @ Orchard Walk
for Nature Society (Singapore) members only
We will continue to explore for butterflies along the Butterfly Trail @ Orchard. These butterfly gardens are maturing and we can expect to see some uncommon beauties. The walk starts at the butterfly garden in Stamford Green, passing through SMU, Dhoby Ghaut Green, Istana Park, Penang road open space, and ends at Orchard Central’s rooftop garden.
Time: 9.30am-noon. Meet Anuj (Mobile: 8139-1564) at 9.30 am in front of the National Museum at 93 Stamford Road. Stamford Green is accessible by the outdoor escalator next to the museum.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
We will continue to explore for butterflies along the Butterfly Trail @ Orchard. These butterfly gardens are maturing and we can expect to see some uncommon beauties. The walk starts at the butterfly garden in Stamford Green, passing through SMU, Dhoby Ghaut Green, Istana Park, Penang road open space, and ends at Orchard Central’s rooftop garden.
Time: 9.30am-noon. Meet Anuj (Mobile: 8139-1564) at 9.30 am in front of the National Museum at 93 Stamford Road. Stamford Green is accessible by the outdoor escalator next to the museum.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
25 Jun (Sat): Nature Adventure Galore at Labrador

Suitable for kids aged 5-8 years.
To register, please contact Ms Eslindah at eslindah_ismail@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 9.30-11.30 am
Venue: Labrador Nature Reserve
Cost: $10 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
25 Jun (Sat): Guided walk at Eco Park @ Tampines
The Green Volunteers offer this guided walk in the newest of NPARKS' parks and probably the most 'natural' park around. They used the natural contours of the land and the existing pounds to create this beautiful park.
Pre-registration required. Email grant@singapore.com with your name, mobile number and total number of people attending. First come first serve basis!
Time: 4.00 pm @ ECO-PARK Tampines. Meet 3.30 pm SHARP @ Tampine MRT station control (exit facing Tampines One) and take a 10 minute walk to this park
Website and contact: http://thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com/
Pre-registration required. Email grant@singapore.com with your name, mobile number and total number of people attending. First come first serve basis!
Time: 4.00 pm @ ECO-PARK Tampines. Meet 3.30 pm SHARP @ Tampine MRT station control (exit facing Tampines One) and take a 10 minute walk to this park
Website and contact: http://thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com/
25 Jun (Sat): Talk on "The Beauty of Forest Butterflies"
Connecting with Nature Jun 2011: In celebration of "International Year of Forests" join us this June for fun-filled and enriching activities to learn about the forests and wonders of nature around us.
Having trouble taking photos of butterflies because they are always so elusive? One of the best tips to take great photos of butterflies is to get to know them first. Be introduced to some of Singapore's butterflies that have called our forests home, and gather photography tips to get that desired shot. You will also be inspired by the beautiful butterfly photos taken by some of the ButterflyCircle members. The speaker is Anthony Wong of ButterflyCircle.
The talk is free but pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 10-11am
Venue: HortPark, Fruit Room
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Having trouble taking photos of butterflies because they are always so elusive? One of the best tips to take great photos of butterflies is to get to know them first. Be introduced to some of Singapore's butterflies that have called our forests home, and gather photography tips to get that desired shot. You will also be inspired by the beautiful butterfly photos taken by some of the ButterflyCircle members. The speaker is Anthony Wong of ButterflyCircle.
The talk is free but pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 10-11am
Venue: HortPark, Fruit Room
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
25 Jun (Sat): HortPark Butterfly Garden guided tour
HortPark's Butterfly Garden is a 150-sqm landscaped theme garden comprising an enclosure and an outdoor garden. Providing a visual feast of tropical plants and nearly 20 species of native butterflies, the Butterfly Garden enables visitors to learn about the different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Within the enclosure, visitors are greeted with an up close and personal encounter with these flying jewels and can observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight.
The Butterfly Garden also serves as an experimental garden for National Parks Board to work on a Butterfly Species Recovery Programme to research on suitable nectar and host plants for breeding a variety of butterfly species, including locally extinct species such as Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) and Common Sergeant (Athyma perius).
Get up close and personal with the flying jewels, and learn their different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight within HortPark's Butterfly Garden.
This walk is free and is held every last Saturday of the month.
Time: 9-11am, please gather at the Butterfly Garden for the tour
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: 6471 5601
The Butterfly Garden also serves as an experimental garden for National Parks Board to work on a Butterfly Species Recovery Programme to research on suitable nectar and host plants for breeding a variety of butterfly species, including locally extinct species such as Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) and Common Sergeant (Athyma perius).
Get up close and personal with the flying jewels, and learn their different stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar into butterfly. Observe how pupae emerge into adult butterflies before taking their maiden flight within HortPark's Butterfly Garden.
This walk is free and is held every last Saturday of the month.
Time: 9-11am, please gather at the Butterfly Garden for the tour
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: 6471 5601
25 Jun (Sat): Fort Canning Spice Trail guided walk
"Revisiting History, Embracing Nature"
Join us as we guide you along The Fort Canning Spice Trail and discover the fascinating world of spices.
This trail sits on the site of Singapore’s first experimental and botanical garden. A small replica of the 19ha garden, it now has a collection of more than a hundred species of plants - spice, herbs, medicinal, economical and ornamentals. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) trees, which were planted extensively in the first garden, can be found there as well.
Other attractions along this trail also includes the Archaeological Dig, which showcases the actual excavation site, the only such exhibition in modern Singapore and Keramat, believed to be a tomb of Singapore’s last king, Sultan Iskandar Syah.
Whether it is botanical or historical, learning about our history is just a walk in the park.
Walk is moderately easy but will involve walking up slopes and steps so do come dressed comfortably. The tour lasts two and a half hours. This walk is held every last Saturday of the month.
You may also opt for the Heritage on the Hill tour, which will bring you around the park and discover the events that have changed and shaped the face of Fort Canning over the years.
Pre-registration required. Call 63321200 or 63321302 or email nurul_asyiqin_jaffar@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Meet courtyard opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Join us as we guide you along The Fort Canning Spice Trail and discover the fascinating world of spices.
This trail sits on the site of Singapore’s first experimental and botanical garden. A small replica of the 19ha garden, it now has a collection of more than a hundred species of plants - spice, herbs, medicinal, economical and ornamentals. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) trees, which were planted extensively in the first garden, can be found there as well.
Other attractions along this trail also includes the Archaeological Dig, which showcases the actual excavation site, the only such exhibition in modern Singapore and Keramat, believed to be a tomb of Singapore’s last king, Sultan Iskandar Syah.
Whether it is botanical or historical, learning about our history is just a walk in the park.
Walk is moderately easy but will involve walking up slopes and steps so do come dressed comfortably. The tour lasts two and a half hours. This walk is held every last Saturday of the month.
You may also opt for the Heritage on the Hill tour, which will bring you around the park and discover the events that have changed and shaped the face of Fort Canning over the years.
Pre-registration required. Call 63321200 or 63321302 or email nurul_asyiqin_jaffar@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Meet courtyard opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
25 Jun (Sat): Screening of "Jane’s Journey"
Don’t miss the opportunity to watch the Singapore premiere of "Jane’s Journey" and a chance to speak to Dr Jane Goodall at the end of the screening!
More than 20 years ago, Dr. Jane Goodall, now 75, decided to give up her career as a primatologist, as well as her private life, in order to devote her entire energy to saving our endangered planet. Since then she’s been spending 300 days a year scouring the globe on her mission to spread hope for future generations. She has taken on the responsibilities of a UN Messenger of Peace, has been honoured with countless awards, was appointed “Dame of the British Empire” and was even admitted to the “Légion d’Honneur”, the highest decoration of France.
“Jane’s Journey” is an intimate portrait of the private person behind the world-famous icon – an exceptional woman, possibly the most fascinating woman of our time, whose scientific breakthroughs are considered to be among the most important of the past 100 years.
Booking on GateCrash
Time: 2.30 – 5pm
Venue: National Museum Gallery Theatre.
Cost: $38 per person
Contact: Tan Beng Chiak chiak@rgs.edu.sg
More than 20 years ago, Dr. Jane Goodall, now 75, decided to give up her career as a primatologist, as well as her private life, in order to devote her entire energy to saving our endangered planet. Since then she’s been spending 300 days a year scouring the globe on her mission to spread hope for future generations. She has taken on the responsibilities of a UN Messenger of Peace, has been honoured with countless awards, was appointed “Dame of the British Empire” and was even admitted to the “Légion d’Honneur”, the highest decoration of France.

Booking on GateCrash
Time: 2.30 – 5pm
Venue: National Museum Gallery Theatre.
Cost: $38 per person
Contact: Tan Beng Chiak chiak@rgs.edu.sg
25 Jun (Sat): Evolution Garden guided tour
Take a journey through time, from the fiery planet that our world was in ancient times before memory, through the planet of dinosaurs, and into the modern world of 250,000 different flowering plants we enjoy today.
Journey through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Suitable for kids.
This walk is held every fourth Saturday of the month. Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre.
Time: 9am (English tour)
Venue: Register at Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre before the tour starts.
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
Journey through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Suitable for kids.
This walk is held every fourth Saturday of the month. Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre.
Time: 9am (English tour)
Venue: Register at Singapore Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre before the tour starts.
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
25 Jun (Sat): Let’s Discover Plants & Animals - a guided tour for kids

For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg . Online registration is available on www.sbg.org.sg (under "Education")
Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Fee: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg
Contact: 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg
25 Jun (Sat): Botanical Wonders of MacRitchie
Learn more about our natural heritage and treasures! Come on down to MacRitchie Reservoir Park and learn about our silent giants - the trees!
For registration enquiries, please contact Ms Mardiah Effendi Mardiah_Effendi@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9-10.30am
Meeting point: Carpark C, ikiosk. A minimum of 10 persons is required for the guided walk to commence. In case of bad weather, the guided walk will be cancelled one hour before the schedule time.
Cost: $60 per group (maximum 15 pax) or $4 per person.
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
For registration enquiries, please contact Ms Mardiah Effendi Mardiah_Effendi@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9-10.30am
Meeting point: Carpark C, ikiosk. A minimum of 10 persons is required for the guided walk to commence. In case of bad weather, the guided walk will be cancelled one hour before the schedule time.
Cost: $60 per group (maximum 15 pax) or $4 per person.
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
25 Jun (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.
Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
24 Jun (Fri): Excuse Me, Are You a Beach Bug? - Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park

Suitable for children aged 5-10 years.
For enquiries and registration, please email esther_tay@nparks.gov.sg, include name(s), age(s) of participant(s) and at least one contact number. A minimum of 15 persons is required for the event to continue. Closing date 1 week before activity day or when class is full.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Shelter beside Toilet E1 (Carpark E, Pasir Ris Park, Area 3)
Cost: $20 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
24-25 Jun (Fri-Sat): Raffles Museum Open House - for kids!

Come for guided gallery and behind-the-scene tours, work with scientists and experience the life of a curator. Many exciting activities such as clay-modelling, face painting, mask making, photo hunt and button making. Attractive prizes to be won!
With a shuttle bus from Buona Vista MRT!
Some activities require pre-registration and a minimum donation.
Time: 9am-5pm
Venue: Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore. More on how to get there.
Website: http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/CS2011/
23 Jun (Thu): Plants And Their Uses - a guided tour for kids

Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels.
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg. Online registration is available on http://www.sbg.org.sg (under "Education")
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
22 Jun (Wed): Talk about horseshoe crabs in Singapore
Two members of Nature Society (Singapore), Vinayagan Dharmarajah and Lesley Cartwright-Taylor will be reporting on our research on Horseshoe Crabs at the 'International Workshop on the Science & Conservation of Asian Horseshoe Crabs' in Hong Kong from 13 - 16 June 2011. They will be sharing their presentations and experience at this conference. Come join us at this sharing session to learn about the interesting findings that Nature Society (Singapore) has discovered about Horseshoe Crabs in Singapore.
This sharing session is open to the public.
Time: 7pm
Venue: The Sunflower (NSS office). 510 Geylang Road #02-05,Singapore 389466
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
This sharing session is open to the public.
Time: 7pm
Venue: The Sunflower (NSS office). 510 Geylang Road #02-05,Singapore 389466
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
21 Jun (Tue): "The Sea Anemone Lecture" by Dr Daphne Fautin
Dr Daphne Fautin, world authority on sea anemones, is in Singapore to conduct a Sea Anemone Workshop (15-21 Jun). She will be giving a public talk at the end of the Workshop. Come for her talk to find out more about what was discovered at the Workhop!
All are welcome, the talk is open to the public.
Latest update from Lin Juanhui on 15 Jun: I am glad to inform you that there's been a change of time and venue for Dr Daphne's upcoming public lecture on the 21st of June (Tue). We would now be having the lecture in Lecture Theatre 23, Faculty of Science at 7pm. Hope that you would still be able to join us as Dr Daphne speaks on the "Hidden treasures of biodiversity: flowers of the marine world (sea anemones)"
Hidden treasures of biodiversity: flowers of the marine world (sea anemones)
Nemo lived in a sea anemone. These animals, which look like harmless flowers, are actually carnivorous that can eat Nemo and other larger prey. Dr Daphne's study of Singapore's sea anemone diversity over the past five years suggests that there about 50 shallow-water species and most of them undocumented until recently.
The sea anemone diversity in Singapore waters include one species that can swim and several that can sting humans. The diversity is so high that it was postulated that Singapore has more species of sea anemones than the entire west coast of north America!
In this talk, Dr Daphne will explore questions like: What allows clownfishes to live in such a hostile environment? What factors are responsible for Singapore having a greater diversity of sea anemones than any area its size anywhere in the world? Where else do sea anemones live? And what role do sea anemones play in nature?
As places are limited, please register your attendance
More about sea anemone adventures with Dr Daphne on the wild shores of singapore blog.
Time:6pm 7pm
Venue:Seminar Room 1 Block S2, Level 4, Lecture Theatre 23
Science Drive 4,
Dept. of Biological Sciences, NUS
map thanks to N. Sivasothi http://map.sivasothi.com/
Contact: Lin Juanhui linjuanhui@nus.edu.sg
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Dr Daphne on a field trip at Terumbu Semakau to find anemones. |
All are welcome, the talk is open to the public.
Latest update from Lin Juanhui on 15 Jun: I am glad to inform you that there's been a change of time and venue for Dr Daphne's upcoming public lecture on the 21st of June (Tue). We would now be having the lecture in Lecture Theatre 23, Faculty of Science at 7pm. Hope that you would still be able to join us as Dr Daphne speaks on the "Hidden treasures of biodiversity: flowers of the marine world (sea anemones)"
Hidden treasures of biodiversity: flowers of the marine world (sea anemones)
Nemo lived in a sea anemone. These animals, which look like harmless flowers, are actually carnivorous that can eat Nemo and other larger prey. Dr Daphne's study of Singapore's sea anemone diversity over the past five years suggests that there about 50 shallow-water species and most of them undocumented until recently.
The sea anemone diversity in Singapore waters include one species that can swim and several that can sting humans. The diversity is so high that it was postulated that Singapore has more species of sea anemones than the entire west coast of north America!
In this talk, Dr Daphne will explore questions like: What allows clownfishes to live in such a hostile environment? What factors are responsible for Singapore having a greater diversity of sea anemones than any area its size anywhere in the world? Where else do sea anemones live? And what role do sea anemones play in nature?
As places are limited, please register your attendance
More about sea anemone adventures with Dr Daphne on the wild shores of singapore blog.
Science Drive 4,
Dept. of Biological Sciences, NUS
map thanks to N. Sivasothi http://map.sivasothi.com/
Contact: Lin Juanhui linjuanhui@nus.edu.sg
21 Jun (Tue): A Trail Of Colours - guided tour for kids

Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg . Online registration is available on www.sbg.org.sg (under "Education")
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Fee: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg
Contact: 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg
20 Jun (Mon): Fun Nature Drawing Lessons for kids
Connecting with Nature Jun 2011: In celebration of "International Year of Forests" join us this June for fun-filled and enriching activities to learn about the forests and wonders of nature around us.
If you have always wanted to be able to draw a bird, cat, fish, frog or any other animal, here is chance!
Lesson 1: 10am-noon
Warm up with basic sketching techniques: sketch animal shapes, study and add details, learn to draw with pencil and pastel chalk.
Lesson 2: 1.30-3.30pm
Learn to draw an animal and its habitat, learn about colour combination.
Suitable for children 5 years and above. Parents and guardians are welcome to join in these lessons too. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 10am-noon and 1.30-3.30pm
Venue: HortPark, The Greenhouse
Cost: $35 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Lesson 1: 10am-noon
Warm up with basic sketching techniques: sketch animal shapes, study and add details, learn to draw with pencil and pastel chalk.
Lesson 2: 1.30-3.30pm
Learn to draw an animal and its habitat, learn about colour combination.
Suitable for children 5 years and above. Parents and guardians are welcome to join in these lessons too. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 10am-noon and 1.30-3.30pm
Venue: HortPark, The Greenhouse
Cost: $35 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
13-19 Jun: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Early next week
Walks in wild places
For with Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Exhibitions this week
- Seaside Treasure Hunt! Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris
- Kids’ Fun with Hydroponics Farming & Butterflies
- Explore the "Mangle Salada" Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park
- Say Hello to Bats and Snakes of the Forest!
- Plants And Their Uses a guided tour for kids
- Who Lives at the Seaside? Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park
- Say Hello to Forest Trees!
- M.A.D. for Sea Turtles! Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park
Early next week
- Fun Nature Drawing Lessons for kids
Walks in wild places
- Birdwatching at Kranji Marsh with Nature Society (Singapore)
- Fascinating Forest of Labrador
- Rainforest walk at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
- Guided walk at the Sensory Trail, Pulau Ubin
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh on Saturday and Sunday
- Guided walk at the Fort Canning Spice Trail
- National Orchid Garden guided tour
For with Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Exhibitions this week
- 4-24 Jun: UBINScapes - A Photography Exhibition of Pulau Ubin at Pulau Ubin
19 Jun (Sun): Birdwatching at Kranji Marshes
Lee Ee Ling leads this walk. From the meeting place, a hired bus will ferry us to our destination. We begin with a pleasant stroll along a countryside road to the Kranji Marshes where we will continue our walk along the PUB Bund. The marsh is designated by URA as a Nature Park and is currently adopted by NSS under the PUB’s ABC Waters Programme. Birding highlights here include the Red-wattled Lapwing, Purple Swamphen, Rusty-breasted Cuckoo, White-browed Crake, Changeable Hawk Eagle, Grey-headed Fish Eagle and more.
Pre-registration required, maximum 20 persons. Email kranji@nss.org.sg by by 18 March 2011.
This walk is open to the public
Time: 7.45am meet at Kranji Dam Carpark near the Tidal Gates of Kranji Reservoir (off Kranji Way). Reachable by Bus 925 from Kranji MRT Station.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
Pre-registration required, maximum 20 persons. Email kranji@nss.org.sg by by 18 March 2011.
This walk is open to the public
Time: 7.45am meet at Kranji Dam Carpark near the Tidal Gates of Kranji Reservoir (off Kranji Way). Reachable by Bus 925 from Kranji MRT Station.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
19 Jun (Sun): Horseshoe Crab Rescue & Research
for Nature Society (Singapore) members only
Join us for this monthly mission to rescue and study the Mangrove Horseshoe Crab (HSC). We have also started an ongoing HSC Training & Accreditation Programme for anyone keen to be a qualified HSC R&Rer. We recommend that you bring a cap, shoes/booties, sun block, repellent, cutter (for HSC rescue) and camera. Washing facilities available.
Pre-registeration required. Register with Goh Ter Yang teryang@nss.org.sg stating your name, if you are a NSS member or not, affiliations (eg. school/company), experience (if any) and contact details.
Time: 8am, meet at the extension of Kranji Road at the junction with Kranji Loop. Take bus 925 from Kranji MRT station and alight at the Chinese temple along Kranji Loop, cross the road and look for the nameless track that starts beside Leong Soon Pte Ltd (251 Kranji Road).
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
Join us for this monthly mission to rescue and study the Mangrove Horseshoe Crab (HSC). We have also started an ongoing HSC Training & Accreditation Programme for anyone keen to be a qualified HSC R&Rer. We recommend that you bring a cap, shoes/booties, sun block, repellent, cutter (for HSC rescue) and camera. Washing facilities available.
Pre-registeration required. Register with Goh Ter Yang teryang@nss.org.sg stating your name, if you are a NSS member or not, affiliations (eg. school/company), experience (if any) and contact details.
Time: 8am, meet at the extension of Kranji Road at the junction with Kranji Loop. Take bus 925 from Kranji MRT station and alight at the Chinese temple along Kranji Loop, cross the road and look for the nameless track that starts beside Leong Soon Pte Ltd (251 Kranji Road).
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.
19 Jun (Sun): Seaside Treasure Hunt! - Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris

Suitable for children aged 5-10 years.
For enquiries and registration, please email esther_tay@nparks.gov.sg, include name(s), age(s) of participant(s) and at least one contact number. A minimum of 15 persons is required for the event to continue. Closing date 1 week before activity day or when class is full.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Shelter beside Toilet E1 (Carpark E, Pasir Ris Park, Area 3)
Cost: $20 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
19 Jun (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.
Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
18 Jun (Sat): Kids’ Fun with Hydroponics Farming & Butterflies

The farm also has a Butterfly Lodge where visitors can come face-to-face with live caterpillars, transforming pupas, emerging butterflies and fluttering adults, led by Oh Farm's guides. NSS' butterfly enthusiasts KC and Amy Tsang will help answer questions and advise on useful guides and books to buy to advance your Lepidoptera pursuits.
Those without kids are welcome to join. Each visitor will receive two free packets of vegetables, information leaflets and a butterfly postcard.
Please register yourself and your children (4 years old onwards) with Gloria Seow at gloria_seow@yahoo.com, stating all names and ages, if you are NSS members or not, and let us have your mobile number. Details will be emailed to those who sign up.
Time: 9-11am
Venue: Oh Chin Huat Hydroponic Farms
Cost: $7 (members), $10 (non-members), payable on the spot.
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
18 Jun (Sat): Fascinating Forest of Labrador
Come and experience the fascinating forest of Labrador Nature Reserve, a gazetted reserve that contains an indigenous ecosystem of Singapore’s rich biodiversity including Singapore’s only protected coastal cliff vegetation and rocky shore.
The walk will take you into the dense secondary forest housing diverse flora and fauna. You will walk through Singapore’s only coastal cliff vegetation and learn how plants in the nature reserve play an important role in the ecosystem by supporting the different life forms.
To register, please contact Miss Toh 62738602 or email at toh_yuet_hsin@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 9-10am
Venue: Carpark C ikiosk, Labrador Nature Reserve
Cost: $4 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

To register, please contact Miss Toh 62738602 or email at toh_yuet_hsin@nparks.gov.sg.
Time: 9-10am
Venue: Carpark C ikiosk, Labrador Nature Reserve
Cost: $4 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
18 Jun (Sat): Explore the "Mangle Salada" - Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park

Suitable for kids aged 5-10 years. Guided tour will commence with mininum 15pax, group booking recommended. Registration closes 1 week before the event or when the event is full. For enquiries & registration, please email pauline_tham@nparks.gov.sg with name(s), age(s) of participant(s) and at least one contact number.
Time: 9-11am
Venue: Piai Plaza, Carpark B
Cost: $4 per person
Website: http://nparks.gov.sg/
18 Jun (Sat): Say Hello to Bats and Snakes of the Forest! - for kids
Connecting with Nature Jun 2011: In celebration of "International Year of Forests" join us this June for fun-filled and enriching activities to learn about the forests and wonders of nature around us.
Besides being nocturnal, are there other ways that bats and snakes may be similar? How are they different? Where are we likely to find them? What types of bats and snakes can we find? Join us for an evening walk at Kent Ridge Park and you will discover these answers and more!
Suitable for children 5 years and above. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: HortPark, The Greenhouse
Cost: $25 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Suitable for children 5 years and above. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: HortPark, The Greenhouse
Cost: $25 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
18 Jun (Sat): National Orchid Garden guided tour
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids in the National Orchid Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Since 1859, orchids have been closely associated with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The products of the Gardens' orchid breeding programme, which began in 1928, deserve a place where they can be displayed in their full splendour. The very design of these orchids is, one could say, 'hand-crafted' by the Gardens' horticultural staff, dedicated to bringing out the finest in any hybrid cross.
Over 1000 species and 2,000 hybrids are now found in the Gardens' collection, with about 600 species and hybrids on display. Every year, more vibrant and enduring hybrids are added on. So that all may admire and enjoy their diversity, richness and beauty, the National Orchid Garden now offers a permanent showcase, the largest display of tropical orchids in the world.
This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every third Saturday of the month.
A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
Since 1859, orchids have been closely associated with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The products of the Gardens' orchid breeding programme, which began in 1928, deserve a place where they can be displayed in their full splendour. The very design of these orchids is, one could say, 'hand-crafted' by the Gardens' horticultural staff, dedicated to bringing out the finest in any hybrid cross.
Over 1000 species and 2,000 hybrids are now found in the Gardens' collection, with about 600 species and hybrids on display. Every year, more vibrant and enduring hybrids are added on. So that all may admire and enjoy their diversity, richness and beauty, the National Orchid Garden now offers a permanent showcase, the largest display of tropical orchids in the world.
This walk is conducted by the volunteers of the Singapore Botanic Gardens and is held every third Saturday of the month.
A tour in Mandarin is also conducted at 4pm.
Time: 9am, 10am, 11am (English) and 4pm (Mandarin), register at Visitor Centre 15 minutes before the tour starts. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Tour duration: One hour.
Cost: While the tour is free, admission charges to the Orchid Garden applies: $5/adult, $1/student, $1/senior citizens (above 60 years) , Child below 12 years - Free
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services 6471 7361
18 Jun (Sat): Rainforest walk at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

At this walk, the guide will introduce you to the common native flora and fauna found in the primary rainforest.
This guided walk is suitable for families with children and groups of not more than 5. Along a slightly undulating natural path, the trail is not accessible to prams and wheelchairs.
More about the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve on the wildsingapore website and NParks website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Central Nature Reserve and is held every third Saturday of the month.
Registration is required at least a week before the walk. Call 6554 5127 (Mon-Fri).
Time: 9.25am-10.30am. Meet at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre, at the ranger counter.
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
18 Jun (Sat): Guided walk at the Sensory Trail, Pulau Ubin
Experience Ubin's wonderful nature through your senses along our Sensory Trail, the trail will brought you to the patch of herbs and spices and a "Secret Garden" to feel the original garden used to be on the island. Much more along the trail for you to explore.
This walk is held every third Saturday of the month.
Booking now online until 11 Jun.
For more details about this walk, see the NParks website More about the Sensory Trail on the wildsingapore website and Ubin Volunteers blog
Time: Walks starts 9.30am and lasts for about 1.5 hours. Meet at the Pulau Ubin Main Information Kiosk next to the Ubin Jetty. More on how to get to Pulau Ubin.
Cost: $60 per group of 15 persons, maximum 6 groups
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
This walk is held every third Saturday of the month.
Booking now online until 11 Jun.
For more details about this walk, see the NParks website More about the Sensory Trail on the wildsingapore website and Ubin Volunteers blog
Time: Walks starts 9.30am and lasts for about 1.5 hours. Meet at the Pulau Ubin Main Information Kiosk next to the Ubin Jetty. More on how to get to Pulau Ubin.
Cost: $60 per group of 15 persons, maximum 6 groups
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
18 Jun (Sat): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Saturday.
Time: 9.30am for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
18 Jun (Sat): Guided walk at the Fort Canning Spice Trail
"Revisiting History, Embracing Nature"
Join us as we guide you along The Fort Canning Spice Trail and discover the fascinating world of spices.
This trail sits on the site of Singapore’s first experimental and botanical garden. A small replica of the 19ha garden, it now has a collection of more than a hundred species of plants - spice, herbs, medicinal, economical and ornamentals. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) trees, which were planted extensively in the first garden, can be found there as well.
Other attractions along this trail also includes the Archaeological Dig, which showcases the actual excavation site, the only such exhibition in modern Singapore and Keramat, believed to be a tomb of Singapore’s last king, Sultan Iskandar Syah.
Whether it is botanical or historical, learning about our history is just a walk in the park.
Walk is moderately easy but will involve walking up slopes and steps so do come dressed comfortably. The tour lasts two and a half hours. This walk is held every third Saturday of the month.
You may also opt for the Heritage on the Hill tour, which will bring you around the park and discover the events that have changed and shaped the face of Fort Canning over the years.
Pre-registration required. Call 63321200 or 63321302 or email nurul_asyiqin_jaffar@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Meet courtyard opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Join us as we guide you along The Fort Canning Spice Trail and discover the fascinating world of spices.
This trail sits on the site of Singapore’s first experimental and botanical garden. A small replica of the 19ha garden, it now has a collection of more than a hundred species of plants - spice, herbs, medicinal, economical and ornamentals. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) trees, which were planted extensively in the first garden, can be found there as well.
Other attractions along this trail also includes the Archaeological Dig, which showcases the actual excavation site, the only such exhibition in modern Singapore and Keramat, believed to be a tomb of Singapore’s last king, Sultan Iskandar Syah.
Whether it is botanical or historical, learning about our history is just a walk in the park.
Walk is moderately easy but will involve walking up slopes and steps so do come dressed comfortably. The tour lasts two and a half hours. This walk is held every third Saturday of the month.
You may also opt for the Heritage on the Hill tour, which will bring you around the park and discover the events that have changed and shaped the face of Fort Canning over the years.
Pre-registration required. Call 63321200 or 63321302 or email nurul_asyiqin_jaffar@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Meet courtyard opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
17 Jun (Fri): Plants And Their Uses - a guided tour for kids

Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels.
For enquiry and registration, please contact the Education at 64719961 or nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg. Online registration is available on http://www.sbg.org.sg (under "Education")
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Cost: $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
17 Jun (Fri): Who Lives at the Seaside? - Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park

Suitable for children aged 5-10 years.
For enquiries and registration, please email esther_tay@nparks.gov.sg, include name(s), age(s) of participant(s) and at least one contact number. A minimum of 15 persons is required for the event to continue. Closing date 1 week before activity day or when class is full.
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Shelter beside Toilet E1 (Carpark E, Pasir Ris Park, Area 3)
Cost: $20 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
15 Jun (Wed): Say Hello to Forest Trees! - for kids
Connecting with Nature Jun 2011: In celebration of "International Year of Forests" join us this June for fun-filled and enriching activities to learn about the forests and wonders of nature around us.
Do you know what tree produces the Buah Keluak that your grandmother cooks in her Curry Buah Keluak? What does the Buah Kedondong Tree look like? Join this guided nature walk and greet some lovely forest trees. Find out about the animals and plants that live on and around them. Planted along the Southern Ridges, these forest trees form the Sembcorp Forest of Giants - an arboretum project undertaken by the National Parks Board as part of its efforts to enhance biodiversity within urban areas.
Suitable for children 5-10 years. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place and made possible by the Garden City Fund and Sembcorp Industries.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Telok Blangah Hill Park, Multi-Purpose Plaza
Cost: $10 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Suitable for children 5-10 years. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place and made possible by the Garden City Fund and Sembcorp Industries.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Telok Blangah Hill Park, Multi-Purpose Plaza
Cost: $10 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
14 Jun (Tue): Say Hello to Forest Trees! - for kids
Connecting with Nature Jun 2011: In celebration of "International Year of Forests" join us this June for fun-filled and enriching activities to learn about the forests and wonders of nature around us.
Do you know what tree produces the Buah Keluak that your grandmother cooks in her Curry Buah Keluak? What does the Buah Kedondong Tree look like? Join this guided nature walk and greet some lovely forest trees. Find out about the animals and plants that live on and around them. Planted along the Southern Ridges, these forest trees form the Sembcorp Forest of Giants - an arboretum project undertaken by the National Parks Board as part of its efforts to enhance biodiversity within urban areas.
Suitable for children 5-10 years. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place and made possible by the Garden City Fund and Sembcorp Industries.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Telok Blangah Hill Park, Multi-Purpose Plaza
Cost: $10 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

Suitable for children 5-10 years. This programme is conducted with Cicada Tree Eco Place and made possible by the Garden City Fund and Sembcorp Industries.
Pre-registration is required and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations close 1 week before each programme. All programmes will only commence with a minimum of 15 participants. To register please contact HortPark Visitor Services at 6471-5601 or NPARKS_HortPark@nparks.gov.sg
Time: 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Telok Blangah Hill Park, Multi-Purpose Plaza
Cost: $10 per child
Website and contact: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
6-12 Jun: Highlights of the week ahead
For kids and the family
Walks in wild places
Talks this week during Gardeners' Day Out at HortPark
Exhibitions this week
- M.A.D. for Sea Turtles! Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park.
- Beach Critters Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park
- Loving Bugs & Slugs for kids
- Young Naturalists Passport Camp at Sungei Buloh
- Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
- HeART for Nature FREE workshop for kids
- Wallace Education Centre Gallery walk
- Sara Goes To Supermarket Garden a guided tour for kids
- Spy-C Sniffs Something Nice School's Out at Fort Canning Park
- Rice is Nice School's Out at Fort Canning Park
Walks in wild places
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh on Saturday and Sunday with mandarin guided walk.
- Kitchen Garden Tour at Pasir Ris Park
- Trees of the Fort at Fort Canning Park.
- "Getting to Know MacRitchie"
- Forest walk at the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail
Talks this week during Gardeners' Day Out at HortPark
- 11 Jun (Sat)
10am: Fly Dragonfly a talk by Robin Ngiam of NParks
3pm: Gardening for wildlife a talk by Andrew Tay of Cicada Tree Eco Place - 12 Jun (Sun)
10am: Fly Dragonfly a talk by Robin Ngiam of NParks
Exhibitions this week
- 4-24 Jun: UBINScapes - A Photography Exhibition of Pulau Ubin at Pulau Ubin
12 Jun (Sun): M.A.D. for Sea Turtles! - Fun Naturally! @ Pasir Ris Park

Suitable for children aged 5-10 years.
For enquiries and registration, please email pauline_tham@nparks.gov.sg, include name(s), age(s) of participant(s) and at least one contact number. A minimum of 15 persons is required for the event to continue. Closing date 1 week before activity day or when class is full.
Time: 9-11.30am
Venue: Shelter beside Toilet E1 (Carpark E, Pasir Ris Park, Area 3)
Cost: $20 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
12 Jun (Sun): Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh

Suitable for young children.
With Mandarin guided tour 9.30-11.15am. Limited to 15 persons. Please register on this link: http://tinyurl.com/register-for-mandarin-guide
Registration is not required for small walk-in groups. But each walk is limited to 15 persons per guide and is on a first-come -first-served basis. The walks are weather permitting and may merge with other activities at the Reserve. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
More about the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on the wildsingapore website and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve website. This walk is conducted by the volunteer guides of NParks' Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and is held every Sunday morning, subject to availability of guides.
Time: 9.30 am (subject to availability of guides) for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: One to one-and-a-half hours. Suitable for young children.
Entry charges: While the walk is free, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg or call 6794 1401
11 Jun (Sat); Young Naturalists Passport Camp at Sungei Buloh

Limited to 40 children between the age of 6-10 years old. Registration is required.
More information on the programme and registration form on the Reserve website.
Time: 9am- 5pm
Cost: Each participant needs to purchase a young naturalist passport from the Visitor Services Counter at 50 cents. Registration of $5 is applicable, and cheques will be returned upon attendance and completion of the camp. The fee will be donated to the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve education fund if the child fails to turn up for the camp upon registration and confirmation. Admission charges (50 cents per child) apply.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: 67941401
11 Jun (Sat): Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs

Not more than five persons in a group, pre-register at nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
More details on the event and how to get to Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin on the Adventures with the Naked Hermit Crabs blog.
Time: 9.30am meet at the Chek Jawa Info Kiosk, Pulau Ubin.
Duration: Two hours
Cost: no charge for now, but donations accepted.
Website: http://nakedhermitcrabs.blogspot.com/
Contact: nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
11 Jun (Sat): Kitchen Garden Tour at Pasir Ris Park

Suitable for children from K1-P6 levels.
To register, please email your name, contact number and total no. of participants to Yvonne yvonne_chee@nparks.gov.sg.
Registration closes 3 days before the event. The walk will only take place with a minimum of 15 persons.
Time: 9-10am
Venue: Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris Green (Carpark C)
Cost: $4 per person
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
11 Jun (Sat): Trees of the Fort
Embark on this adventure and discover the secret lives of our heritage trees and more!
Our nature-loving guides from The Green Volunteers will walk you through this public park that has undergone a series of historical transformation through the centuries. Although much of the original vegetation has disappeared due to these changes, active greening efforts have converted this once formidable fort into an idyllic respite from the hustle and bustle of city life amidst lush and magnificent trees. Meet the Towering Kapok, Flaky Gelam, Gnarled Madras Thorn and many more.
Learn how plants and animals have co-existed and to a certain extent become co-dependant on one another for survival. Immerse yourself in the sounds of nature orchestrated by chirping birds and shrilling cicadas as you walk along the trail.
In a vastly developed urban jungle, Fort Canning offers that unique pocket of biodiversity to appreciate the greenery within our vibrant city.
This is a free public outreach programme in the park.
Time: 4-6 pm
Venue: Meet at courtyard, opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: 6332 1200 or lee_weiling@nparks.gov.sg or or visit thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com
Learn how plants and animals have co-existed and to a certain extent become co-dependant on one another for survival. Immerse yourself in the sounds of nature orchestrated by chirping birds and shrilling cicadas as you walk along the trail.
In a vastly developed urban jungle, Fort Canning offers that unique pocket of biodiversity to appreciate the greenery within our vibrant city.
This is a free public outreach programme in the park.
Time: 4-6 pm
Venue: Meet at courtyard, opposite NParks Visitor Centre, Fort Canning Centre
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
Contact: 6332 1200 or lee_weiling@nparks.gov.sg or or visit thegreenvolunteers.blogspot.com
11 Jun (Sat): "Getting to Know MacRitchie" - a guided tour

This walk is held every second Saturday.
For registration, please email NParks_MAILBOX@nparks.gov.sg and put in the subject title - ATTN: MacRitchie Reservoir Park - Guided Walk. Upon registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Time: 9-11am, meet 8.55am at the Amenities Centre.
Venue: Meet at amenities centre of MacRitchie
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
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