15 Feb (Sat): Storytime with Sara: Sara visits the Heritage Core

A Storytelling and Guided Tour for kids

Did you know that the Singapore Botanic Gardens is more than a hundred years old? Like a treasure trove, it contains wonderful memories and stories surrounding plants and people. Children will join Sara and her grandmother, Nana, as they recount stories about the pioneers of the Gardens and how they experimented and grew important plants such as the rubber and orchids. They will also discover interesting facts about the Gardens and its heritage icons. The tour will conclude with a tour around the heritage core of the Gardens where children will admire the Gardens’ majestic Heritage Trees and iconic Bandstand and Swan Lake, Singapore’s oldest ornamental water body. Through appreciating the past, children will understand the importance of conserving our natural and cultural heritage for themselves and their future generations.

This programme includes an indoor storytelling session as well as an outdoor guided tour around the Heritage Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Guiding to the SBG Heritage Museum will not be included in this programme.

Suitable for children in K1 – P2 levels.

Online registration here

Time: 10.00am – 11.00am
Cost: $6 per child; $6 per accompanying adult
Venue: The Green Pavilion, Botany Centre, Tanglin Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Contact: SBG Education Branch at 64719961 and 6465 0196 or email nparks_sbg_edu@nparks.gov.sg.