What is this workshop about? If plastic trash were out of sight, out of mind, are they really completely out of our lives? When disposed, many of our plastic trash would land in our oceans and harm marine animals in various ways such as entanglement and plastic ingestion. It has also been found that humans are not spared from the insidious effects of this plastic plague. What can we do or are doing to salvage this situation?
This workshop is useful for all who are interested to learn more as well as passionate members of the community who would like to share their feedback, brainstorm solutions and network with like-minded volunteers to make a difference.
Teo Kah Ming
Wanting to do her part for nature, Kah Ming joined Toddycats! under Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research in 2008. Since then, she volunteers in various public outreach events and is also under the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS) team where she is the zone captain for Pulau Ubin. Although previously trained in engineering, Kah Ming is now venturing into studying a Masters in Zoological Sciences in National Institute of Education.
Please register by 26 March 2014 at http://tinyurl.com/leafmonkey2014
Registration is strongly advised
as it allows us to better customize the workshop to suit YOUR needs! If
you have difficulty submitting your registration on this website,
please email us at
Time: 7-10pm
Venue: Civil Service College, 31 North Buona Vista Road Singapore 275983 [Map]
Website: http://leafmonkeyworkshop.blogspot.com/
Contact: leafmonkey@gmail.com