If extremely lucky, Pink Dolphins, Dugong and/or Smooth Otters may show up. If not it is still a lovely stroll on the bund through lush mangrove forest. This walk will end at Buloh’s Wetland Centre. We can either walk back to our start point or from outside Buloh take Bus 925 back to the start point or to the MRT/bus interchange. This bus only goes to Buloh's Wetland Centre on Sundays and public holidays. BTW our route is 1.3km per way.
Please note:
- Bring refillable water bottle, poncho/raincoat/umbrella, hat, snacks, herbal mosquito repellent. Optional items: camera, binoculars, sunblock, sunglasses.
- EVERYONE MUST wear full-length long pants, socks and fully-covered shoes. Long-sleeved shirt is recommended, otherwise teeshirt will do.
- Currently there is no food shop at this location. We will be staying on boardwalks and level gravel paths. Stroller and wheelchair are possible although it may be a bumpy ride.
- The Kranji Countryside shuttle minibus (limited seats) also stops outside this new extension of the reserve. The first bus leaves Kranji MRT at 8.30am, 2nd at 9.30am and thereafter its one and half hrs between buses. Those who intend to have a lovely lunch at Bollywood Veggies’ Poison Ivy Café can take this shuttle at 1.10pm at the end point of our walk at Sungei Buloh’s Wetland Centre. The fare is $3.00 per person valid for multiple rides the entire day, so you may also want to visit the other attractions on its route after lunch. For the full bus schedule, peek into: www.kranjicountryside.com/transport.html
Time: 10am-12noon
Meeting Point: Meet at 9.45am inside the new visitor centre at Kranji Way road.
Cost: $13 per participant. Kids aged 5 years and below come along free.
Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg/