A stroll through parts of rural Ubin. We will look at what the locals grow in their backyards, from the herbs used as traditional medicines, to vegetables, wildflowers and fruit trees. Many of these are ‘old-fashion’ plants now no longer common, such as Sawtooth Coriander, Ceylon Spinach and Rambai. Durian trees abound on Ubin, with two fruiting seasons a year. Trails: Mostly level earth paths and tar road.
Suitable for all.
Pre-registration and pre-payment is required. To register email Celine Low at
contact@cicadatree.org.sgTime: 9-11am
Cost: $13 per person (adult or child), excluding bumboat ride. The bumboat ride is $2.50 per person one way. Minimum 20 pax for walk to go ahead.Website: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg