Booking required. Reservations not accepted. Booking is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Please register early: email Luan Keng dbswlk@nus.edu.sg your name, organisation (if any), number of participants. To confirm your booking, a non-refundable pre-payment is required.
More about the walks on the RMBR website. More about Pulau Semaku on the wildsingapore website.
Time: 5-9pm
Departure point: participants will be advised
Cost: $53.50/adult, $40.60/child (age 7-18); all cost is inclusive of 7% GST, boat rides (return), guiding fees, guidesheets and coordinating fees.
Website: RMBR website
Contact: Luan Keng dbswlk@nus.edu.sg