ARTivate is bringing to you another environmental-related series! This year, we go beyond saving paper and recycling, and look into how we can protect our planet through exploring issues surrounding our Earth's survival amidst the damages we are inflicting on her. These explorations will be done through movie screenings and post-movie discussion sessions.
The Greening Of Cuba
When trade relations with the socialist bloc collapsed in 1990, Cuba lost 80 percent of its pesticide and fertilizer imports and half its petroleum--the mainstays of its highly industrialized agriculture. Challenged with growing food for 11 million in the face of the continuing US embargo, Cuba embarked on the largest conversion to organic farming ever attempted.
Told in the voices of the women and men--the campesino, researchers, and organic gardeners--who are leading the organic agriculture movement, The Greening of Cuba reminds us that developed and developing nations alike can choose a healthier environment and still feed their people.
Free of charge. To reserve seats, email
Time: 7pm-9:30pm
Venue: *scape youth centre (somerset road, opposite cineleisure)