- Nite Critter Watch at Singapore Botanic Garden
- “Love MacRitchie” Free Public Walk by Cicada Tree Eco-Place
- Dragons and Damsels in Our Wetlands - a guided tour for kids
- 5 Sep (Tue) and 7 Sep (Thu): Nature Keeper Camp for kids
- Friends of the Forest with Love Our MacRitchie Forest
- Wonderful World of Waders at Sungei Buloh
- Prawn and Fish Harvesting Demo at Sungei Buloh
- Plants and Their Habitats -- a guided tour for kids
- "Grow With Nature" Drama for kids -- The Seeds
Walks in wild places
- A walk with your neighbours - the macaques of MacRitchie
- Rain Forest Tour at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
- What's in my mangroves?
- Learning Forest Tour
Make a wild difference
MORE events next week
MORE events for the month ahead.