The talk will cover some of the key initiatives of this year's work, including the development of a GPS system to track the ranging pattern of the male hornbill, capture techniques, analysis of blood smaples to determine genetic affinities, as well as other important findings.
About the speakers
Marc Cremades is the coordinator of the Singapore Hornbill Project and is also the Advisor (Conservation) of the Avian Department, Jurong BirdPark. Marc has worked for many years on bird breeding programmes in North America, Europe and Africa, and is currently involved in another study on the eco-physiology of birds in their natural habitats.
Prof Ng Soon Chye is an avid naturalist, as well as a former President of the Nature Society (Singapore. A co-initiator of the Singapore Hornbill Project, he is also one of Singapore's leading obstetrician and gyneacologist.
Nathalie and Edmund are final year Biological Sciences undergraduates under Prof Ng's supervision.
Time: 1-2pm
Venue: Function Hall, Botany Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Contact: Adelle Wang WANG_Shumin@nparks.gov.sg