Kids will learn about the diversity of frogs and toads in Singapore, the differences between frogs and toads, learn about their ecology —- their life cycle, where they live, what they eat, what may eat them. Get to know how to create amphibian habitats that will attract native frogs and toads to breed!
This MAD lesson will also include information about global warming and our carbon footprint and kids will leave the lesson with a pledge to do easy eco-actions daily in their lives so as to be part of the solution to protect our environment and wild habitats.
To register email leopardcat@pacific.net.sg
Make A Difference! MAD lessons on wildlife by Cicada Tree Eco-Place and generously supported by Intel is suitable for kids aged 5 to 10, from kindergarten to primary school.
Dates and times:
22 October (Wednesday), 9.30am – 11.30am
25 October (Saturday), 2.30 – 4.30pm
29 October (Wednesday), 9.30am – 11.30am
15 November (Saturday), 2.30 – 4.30pm
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens
Cost: $15 per kid. Maximum number for a group sign-up (e.g. school groups and groups from organizations) is 20 and minimum fee to run is $300 (even if a group is less than 20 kids). (For groups with 40 kids, we can run 2 classes per session).
Website: http://cicadatree.blogspot.com/
Contact: leopardcat@pacific.net.sg