MacRitchie is more than just a reservoir from which we draw life-sustaining water for our daily consumption. It is also one of the last strongholds to some precious patches of primary rain forests left in Singapore today. Giant keruing trees, nutmegs, oak and other native tree species provide a wonderful representation of what a tropical forest is like. A walk along her many footpaths and boardwalks will bring you back in time to the majesty of the pristine forest ecosystem that had once covered the whole island of Singapore in pre-Raffles times. Some of the animals that can be seen there are flying dragons, skinks, clouded monitors, long-tailed macaques, squirrels, colugos & fish eagles.
Pre-registration and more details with Celine Low at
contact@cicadatree.org.sg giving participants' names, ages and a mobile no.
Time: 9-10sm
Cost: $13 per person (adult or child)
Website and contact: http://www.cicadatree.org.sg/