24 Apr (Wed): Talk: Why Conservation Matters (Even If Animals Don't Matter to You)

Open to the Public - Registration Needed

Modern medicine has been with us roughly one hundred years, but evolution has been at work since life began 3.5 billion years ago. Every time we lose a species, we lose something that may affect or potentially benefit us. Even if animals and wild spaces don’t appeal to you, their preservation absolutely should. There will be two thrusts in Peter Allison’s talk. Firstly, how you can be a conservationist and have fun at the same time. Secondly, why conservation matters even if you aren’t interested in animals with a focus around discoveries that are still being made about animals that can have medical or material benefits for us. Examples include the incredible work being done on how elephants avoid cancer, a recent discovery based on dragonfly wings that could create natural anti-bacterial wipes and also how butterflies may hold the clue to invisibility. Though modern medicine have been around for about one hundred years, evolution has been at work for millions of years so there is much we can learn from nature. This talk is organised by Nature Society (Singapore) and A2A Safaris.

More details and registration on the NSS website.

Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Gallery Room, Level 6, Sky Park, Singapore Sustainability Academy, City Square Mall
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: email contact@nss.org.sg or call 6741 2036.