27 Apr (Sat): Sara Goes Carbon Footprinting - a guided tour for kids

Specially for Earth Day! Join Sara and her new friend, Rana the Frog, to learn about carbon footprints and the many things that all of us can do to make a difference for our home, Planet Earth!
Participants will also be introduced to some useful multi-purpose trees, and learn how to reuse and recycle objects from home and nature, transforming them into useful items for decorative or practical purposes!

More details and registration on the NParks website.

Time: 10am - 11am
Venue: Singapore Botanic Gardens, Visitor Services Desk at Jacob Ballas Childrens Garden
Cost: $8.50 per child (includes $2.50 "Sara Goes Carbon Footprinting" workbook) and $6 per accompanying adult.
Website: https://www.nparks.gov.sg/