- Young Naturalist Passport Camp at Sungei Buloh
- Free guided tour of the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden on Saturday and Sunday.
- Kent Ridge Park Tour for kids
- Fly High@West Coast Park
- Southern Ridges Nature Tour for kids
- Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve with Cicada Tree Eco Place
- MAD lesson on Monkeys with Cicada Tree Eco Place on Saturday and Sunday.
- Tour of the Permaculture trail at HortPark
- Monkey See! Monkey Do! origami for kids
- HeART for Nature at Dairy Farm Nature Park
Walks in wild places
- Trees of the Fort with The Green Volunteers
- Bird Watching for Beginners at Zhenghua Park
- Forest walk at the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh on Saturday and Sunday.
Other activities
- NEW! Wallace Education Centre Gallery walk
- Nature Art Exhibition at HortPark
Early next week
- 15-19 Mar: Southern Ridges Nature Tour for kids
- 15 Mar (Mon): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve with Cicada Tree Eco Place
Special announcement!
BiodiverCity Photo Competition: closing date extended to 28 Mar. Send in your entry to showcase Singapore's biodiversity and win attractive prizes including cash and a trip to the Maldives. More information on the Celebrating Singapore's Biodiversity blog.
Registration now open
- 29 Mar (Mon): Chek Jawa Intertidal Walk with Cicada Tree Eco Place
- 23 Mar (Tue): MAD lesson on Mammals with Cicada Tree Eco Place
- 21 Mar (Sun): Night workshop for kids - Fabulous Frogs & Terrific Toads! with Cicada Tree Eco Place.
- 20 Mar (Sat): Night Workshop for kids - Bats are Beautiful! with Cicada Tree Eco Place.
- 27 & 28 Mar (Sat & Sun): TeamSeagrass Orientation 2010
- Wild animals are dangerous ACRES, Straits Times Forum 5 Mar 10;
- Tsunami unlikely to hit Singapore Experts say shallow waters, land mass around island help shield it from any killer wave, Melissa Kok, Straits Times 6 Mar 10;
- Have you pledged to join the Earth Hour blackout? Grace Chua, Straits Times 5 Mar 10;
Some interesting nature blog posts
- Save our Pangolins! from Celebrating Singapore's BioDiversity!
- Sambar deer in our forest from Celebrating Singapore's BioDiversity!
- NParks Park Connectors on Google Maps from Habitatnews
- 三月华语导游Mandarin guiding walk @ SBWR from PurpleMangrove
- The many facets of our dear Otter from The Simplicities in Life
- Butterfly of the Month - March 2010 from Butterflies of Singapore
- Jumping spiders' jig, counting colugos and more in the latest Raffles Bulletin of Zoology from Celebrating Singapore's BioDiversity!
Photo of the week is this cute little nudibranch shared by Neo Mei Lin. For more photos of our amazing underwater wildlife and how to dive to see them, join her I love SG Reefs facebook group.
Hypselodoris emmae, originally uploaded by MoMo1986.