- NSS Kids’ Visit to Green Circle Eco Farm
- Paint Along with Pui San at Sungei Buloh
- Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
Special events
- Dive Pulau Hantu with the Hantu Bloggers
- Free Pasir Ris Mangrove boardwalk tour with the Vegetarian Society (Singapore)
- Mangrove walk at Sungei Buloh on Saturday and Sunday.
- Evolution Garden guided walk.
- Guided walk at the Fort Canning Spice Trail.
- 24 Aug (Tue): "Turtles Towards Extinction: How late are we? Is it too late?"
- 25 Aug (Wed): "Chek Jawa: Our Natural Heritage"
- 25 Aug (Wed): "Evolution of the Flora of Australasia – a tangled tale of ancient origins and modern migrations"
- 26 Aug (Thu): Green Drinks talk on how climate change will affect Singapore
- Birdwatching at the Botanic Gardens
- 15 Sep (Wed): "Our Home, The Grassland" with Cicada Tree Eco Place
- 7 Sep (Tue): "Our Home, The Rainforest" with Cicada Tree Eco Place
- 4 Sep (Sat): Young Naturalists Passport Camp at Sungei Buloh
- 3 Sep (Fri): Workshop for Nature Guides - Dragons and Damsels at the Leafmonkey Workshop
- ACRES helping errant zoos do better Victoria Vaughan & Grace Chua Straits Times 23 Aug 10;
- Unchecked migration would see Singapore swell, Haiti halve Jordi Zamora and Karin Zeitvogel (AFP) Google News 21 Aug 10;
- Companion for dragonfly lovers Ben Nadarajan Straits Times 21 Aug 10;
- NParks update on oil spill at Chek Jawa from wild shores of singapore
- Butterfly of the Month - August 2010 from Butterflies of Singapore
- Sivasothi and the best of biodiversity blogs from Celebrating Singapore's BioDiversity!