Take a journey on bicycle with the Jungle Fowls, a bunch of friendly and passionate volunteer guides from NUS’ Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, who want to share the joys of discovering nature and heritage in Pulau Ubin. Offered to the public since 1998, the relaxing four hour ride is suitable for novice cyclists and introduces the heritage and natural history of Pulau Ubin to participants. We will get off our saddles to take a close look at the island's flora, fauna and heritage sights.
To register please see the
Participant's Page - note that you have to be at Changi Point Ferry Terminal at 8am, latest!
Time: meet 8.30am outside Pulau Ubin Volunteer Hub on Pulau Ubin
Duration of ride: 4 hours
Website: http://pedalubin.rafflesmuseum.net/ for more info and registration details.