To register and book a place, please email Jeanne Tan at Jeanne_P_H_Tan@nparks.gov.sg, and send a cheque of $5/person made out to "Garden City Fund" and mail it to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. 301 Neo Tiew Crescent. Singapore 718925.
Registration closes on 15 Apr, or when we reach full capacity of 20 places.
Time: 9.15am -12.15pm
Entry charges: In addition to the above fee, admission fees to the Reserve apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen.
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: Jeanne Tan at Jeanne_P_H_Tan@nparks.gov.sg or call 6794 1401